AskMayoExpertThis link opens in a new windowAskMayoExpert captures Mayo-vetted expert knowledge and delivers it at the point of care. This application is aimed at becoming a highly credible knowledge source for the non-specialist and a tool to facilitate interaction between Mayo clinicians.
Mayo FormularyThis link opens in a new windowList of drugs approved for use at Mayo Clinic based upon safety, efficacy, and financial impact.
AJCC Cancer Staging System - Version 9 (2024)The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) made an important change to how it updates and releases Cancer Staging content. The AJCC shifted from a Cancer Staging Manual to a Cancer Staging System and moved away from Editions to Versions. Updated Version 9 disease sites go into effect on January 1 following their release.
AJCC Protocol for Cancer Staging Documentation, Version 9
The new AJCC Protocol Version 9 content is presented in a streamlined, easy-to-use format including synoptic staging report format, tables, explanatory notes, and illustrations. All disease sites in the 8th Edition Cancer Staging Manual remain current until replaced with Version 9.
This manual was prepared and published through the support of the American College of Surgeons, the American Cancer Society, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the College of American Pathologists, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the ACS, whether the whole or the part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitations, broadcasting, reproduction on any physical or digital media, transmission or storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by any similar or dissimilar technology known now or in the future.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this content does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
ACS and the authors of this content are safe to assume that the advice and information in this content are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the ACS nor any authors or editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual – 8th Ed. (2017)
Users who require access to the original AJCC Cancer Staging Manual – 8th Ed. (2017) may view it here. The 8th edition manual is provided in its entirety as a reference and should not be used in developing new treatment plans.
All current staging protocols are provided within the Version 9 AJCC Cancer Staging System.
AccessEmergencyMedicineThis link opens in a new windowCollection of books, case files, study tools, and procedure videos with an emergency medicine focus.
AccessMedicineThis link opens in a new windowReference tool containing online textbooks, images & illustrations, case files, diagnostic tools, and self-assessment examinations.
AccessSurgeryThis link opens in a new windowContains surgery textbooks, case studies, board reviews, images and procedure videos.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowClinical medicine resource which includes thousands of Elsevier electronic books and journals, practice guidelines, videos of procedures, images, and more.
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MicromedexThis link opens in a new windowIntegrated searching of international drug reference resources from DrugDex, PoisIndex, PDR, Martindale's Extrapharmacopoiea, USP DI, ReproRisk, Material Safety Data Sheets, Index Nominum, and Lab Advisor.
UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowUpToDate, an electronic clinical resource tool for physicians and patients that provides information on Adult Primary Care and Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology, and more …
Ferri's Best Test: a Practical Guide to Laboratory Medicine and Diagnostic Imaging by Fred F. Ferri, 2023Clinicians at all levels must consider a myriad of tests in the diagnostic process, requiring an up-to-date understanding of changing technology and the demands of time- and cost-efficiency. Ferri's Best Test, 5th Edition, is a unique, easy-to-use guide that simplifies complex information and helps you choose the best test to supplement your clinical diagnostic skills. It includes both lab and imaging tests for concise, convenient access to all diagnostic test options for more than 200 common diseases and disorders. . Practical, concise, spiral-bound, and pocket-sized-designed from cover to cover for quick, on-the-go reference. Three convenient sections provide quick access to key information on clinical laboratory testing, diagnostic imaging, and diagnostic algorithms. New and updated content on cardiac computed tomography angiography, computed tomography perfusion imaging, COVID-19, and much more. Coverage of 23 new laboratory tests and 14 new diseases and disorders. Essential information on indications, advantages, disadvantages, approximate costs, normal ranges, typical abnormalities, likeliest causes, and more. Experienced author Dr. Fred Ferri uses a unique, easy-to-follow format to simplify complex information and help you choose the best test for every patient. New appendices on electrocardiography and respiratory testing and function. Comparison tables and illustrations help improve your test selection. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook includes an image collection with access on a variety of devices.
Pocket Guide to POCUS: Point-Of-Care Tips for Point-of-Care Ultrasound by Cameron Baston; Christy Moore; Elizabeth A. Krebs; Anthony J. Dean; Nova Panebianco, 2019A unique pocket guide to the use of ultrasound at the point of care Lately, there has been an enormous amount of interest in the use of ultrasound for both procedural and diagnostic guidance at the point of care. Although this type of instruction can be found in some textbooks, they are heavy, dense, and written for the classroom, not real-world clinical situations. Pocket Guide to POCUS is the portable, quick-hit alternative. Pocket Guide to POCUS provides trainees with the tips and reminders they may need at the point of care. Things such as what images to acquire, and how to get them, or a quick glance at pathology in comparison to a normal image. For learners at all levels, this pocket guide will hopefully reduce their fear of scanning, while preventing some of the more common pitfalls the authors have observed over their more than 50 cumulative years' experience. Each chapter of the book is divided into four sections: *Key Images *Acquisition Tips *Interpretation and Pitfalls *Examples of Pathology This information is conveniently located on cards that can be removed from the book and brought with you to the bedside. You can take notes on the cards, check off the scans that you've done, and of course, refer to them in order to provide your patients with the best care possible.
Point of Care Ultrasound by Nilam J. Soni; Robert Arntfield; Pierre Kory, 2020Compact, hand-carried ultrasound devices are revolutionizing how healthcare providers practice medicine in nearly every specialty. The 2nd Edition of this BMA-award-winning text features all-new chapters, a greatly expanded video library, and new review questions to keep you fully up to date with the latest technology and its applications. Provides comprehensive guidance for any specialty on the latest point-of-care ultrasound applications for physicians and other health care providers. Helps you interpret findings with a peer-reviewed, online video library with more than 1,000 ultrasound videos of normal and pathologic findings. These videos are complemented by anatomical illustrations and text descriptions to maximize learning. Offers new online resources, including over 120 clinical cases and 350 review questions in every chapter. Features fully updated content throughout, plus all-new chapters on hemodynamics, transesophageal echocardiography, transcranial Doppler ultrasound, pediatrics, neonatology, and 2nd/3rd trimester pregnancy. Shares the knowledge and expertise of expert contributors who are internationally recognized faculty from more than 60 institutions. Recipient of British Medical Association's President's Choice Award and Highly Commended in Internal Medicine at the BMA Medical Book Awards 2015 (first edition). Enhanced eBook version included with purchase gives you access to all the text, figures, videos, cases, review questions, and references while on the go.
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GuidelineCentralOver 100 free commonly used clinical formulas and calculator tools to help diagnose, treat,
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CT and MRI eBooks
Clinical PET/MRI by Onofrio Antonio Catalano, 2023Clinical PET/MR presents the state-of-the-art of PET/MR, guiding the reader from how to scan patients, how to read and report the studies, and how keep an eye on what is clinically relevant for a patient's care. Each chapter starts with the clinical scenario and then moves to pertinent imaging, addressing the need of a clinical PET/MR book written by world experts in both clinical and imaging fields. It discusses the clinical application of PET/MR in diverse subspecialties such as head and neck, neurology, cardiovascular, pediatrics, chest, bone, hematology, breast, hepatobiliary pancreatic, genitourinary, gynecology, and gastrointestinal tract. This book is a valuable resource for radiologists, oncologists and members of the biomedical field who need to learn more about clinical applications of PET/MR.
CT and MRI of the Whole Body, 2-Volume Set by John R. Haaga; Daniel Boll, 2017Now more streamlined and focused than ever before, the 6th edition of CT and MRI of the Whole Body is a definitive reference that provides you with an enhanced understanding of advances in CT and MR imaging, delivered by a new team of international associate editors. Perfect for radiologists who need a comprehensive reference while working on difficult cases, it presents a complete yet concise overview of imaging applications, findings, and interpretation in every anatomic area. The new edition of this classic reference - released in its 40th year in print - is a must-have resource, now brought fully up to date for today's radiology practice. Includes both MR and CT imaging applications, allowing you to view correlated images for all areas of the body. Coverage of interventional procedures helps you apply image-guided techniques. Includes clinical manifestations of each disease with cancer staging integrated throughout. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, images, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Over 5,200 high quality CT, MR, and hybrid technology images in one definitive reference. For the radiologist who needs information on the latest cutting-edge techniques in rapidly changing imaging technologies, such as CT, MRI, and PET/CT, and for the resident who needs a comprehensive resource that gives a broad overview of CT and MRI capabilities. Brand-new team of new international associate editors provides a unique global perspective on the use of CT and MRI across the world. Completely revised in a new, more succinct presentation without redundancies for faster access to critical content. Vastly expanded section on new MRI and CT technology keeps you current with continuously evolving innovations.
Fundamentals of Body CT by W. Richard Webb; Wiliam E. Brant, 2020From recent advances in helical CT techniques to new developments in lung cancer screening to optimized CT techniques in musculoskeletal diagnosis, Fundamentals of Body CT, 5th Edition, covers the essential information you need to know to effectively perform and interpret CT scans. Step-by-step instructions for all current CT techniques help you quickly understand each procedure and review key steps. Comprehensive and easy to digest, this introduction to body CT is an essential resource for radiology residents, practicing radiologists, and medical students. Features many new topics, discussions of additional diseases, and new, high-quality images from cover to cover, including updated descriptions and illustrations of normal anatomy and incidental findings. Allows you to quickly compare diagnoses with a survey of major CT findings for a variety of common diseases?with an emphasis on those findings that help to differentiate one condition from another. Reviews the spiral/helical CT protocols currently used for the diagnosis of chest, abdominal, and musculoskeletal abnormalities, including high-resolution CT, lung nodule assessment and lung cancer screening, CT pulmonary embolism diagnosis, CT enterography, CT enteroclysis, CT colonography, and optimizing CT techniques in musculoskeletal diagnosis. Brings you up to date with recent advances in chest CT, including the classification of adenocarcinoma, evaluation of lung nodules, lung cancer screening (including Lung-RADS) and staging, and the classification and diagnosis of interstitial lung diseases using high-resolution CT Covers new developments in abdominal CT such as the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (Li-RADS) for imaging and reporting small hepatocellular carcinoma, reviews of the Atlanta Classification of Acute Pancreatitis, and an improved description of CT findings of histologic subtypes of renal cell carcinoma. Includes new discussions of the diagnosis of musculoskeletal abnormalities detected on chest and abdominal CT scans obtained for non-musculoskeletal indications. Contains updated disease classifications, including those for pulmonary adenocarcinoma, diffuse lung diseases, and pancreatic lesions. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Fundamentals of Body MRI, 3rd ed. by Christopher Roth, 2025We wrote this book rebelling against several trends in medical literature—a tendency to write exclusively in the passive tense, a predilection for the encyclopedic method, a distaste for visual aids (e.g., diagrams, tables), and an aversion to the basic science behind the scenes of our clinical practice. Some of these trends are easier to avoid than others. Tackling the science of body MRI and composing a basic introduction to MRI physics were the most difficult. Once you pull at the thread, there is no end to the unraveling; in MRI physics, each of the many abstract concepts is predicated on multiple others, inviting an endless series of interconnected explanations, leading one to feel like an inhabitant in the M. C. Escher lithograph, “Relativity” (depicting a network of impossibly interconnected staircases constructed in different dimensions). We sacrificed comprehensiveness in this regard for a concise, common-sense approach to MRI physics and introductory concepts in Chapter 1 with the liberal use of visual aids and sparing use of abstract concepts and equations.
In the clinical chapters ( Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11 ), we resisted the encyclopedic style in favor of a reader-oriented approach, where possible. Most of the text is arranged by the imaging appearance, which is more in sync with the reader’s perspective than the encyclopedic style of organizing by disease entity. This format more closely mirrors the reader’s experience at the workstation, providing a useful reference for a problematic case or imaging pattern and facilitating differential diagnoses. Hopefully, relative abstention from the passive tense further enhances the readability of this text.
In writing a “fundamentals” text, our goal was to provide a stepping stone to a comfort level with body MRI—both technically and clinically. Our intent was to provide in-depth, useful information and commentary on the bread-and-butter material accounting for most of what is seen in clinical practice, deferring to the more advanced applications and exotic diseases. Because the scope of routine body MRI work has expanded since the first and second editions, a number of additional topics were added and updated, including prostate, genitourinary, elastography, HCC imaging, ovarian imaging, and gastrointestinal MRI.
We hope that the third edition addresses unmet needs that have developed in the aftermath of the release of the first and second editions. While it aspires to cover more material than its predecessor, we hope this book retains its identity as a “fundamentals” text and provides a good starting point for understanding a very complex topic with which we’ve grappling for over a decade.
ISBN: 9780323833813
Sectional Anatomy by MRI and CT, 5th ed. by Mark W. Anderson; Michael G. Fox; Nicholas C. Nacey, 2025With the explosion of cross-sectional imaging, the accessibility of a high-quality anatomic atlas has become essential, and it is with great pleasure that we introduce the fifth edition of this classic atlas.
Since it was first published in 1990, it has become a standard anatomic reference source. The first three editions were masterfully edited by Drs. Georges El-Khoury, Ronald Bergman, and William Montgomery, and we are honored to be able to continue the tradition of excellence that they established.
This new fifth edition includes additional chapters on head CT, brain MRI, and cervical spine MRI. The corresponding online version also allows for easy access anytime/anywhere and provides scroll and zoom functions that should further enhance the user’s experience.
We hope that you will find this new edition to be an integral and valuable addition to your practice.
ISBN: 9780323934480
Ultrasonography eBooks
Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, 3rd ed. by Andrew T. Gray, 2019Step-by-step videos and images, board-style review questions, and coverage of new blocks make this highly respected title a must-have reference for clinical practice. Written by Andrew T. Gray, MD, PhD, one of the pioneers of the use of ultrasound to guide needle placement, Atlas of Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, 3rd Edition, shows you how to safely and effectively use the latest methods and applications of this technique. Board-style review questions found on the Expert Consult eBook version test your knowledge and help you prepare for the ABA exam. Helps ensure correct needle placement with numerous 3-D and long-axis views that clearly depict surrounding structures. Includes coverage of 11 new blocks: Adductor Canal, Posterior Femoral Cutaneous, Pectoral, Quadratus Lumborum, Pudendal, Paravertebral, Transversus thoracis, Supraorbital, Transtracheal, Greater Occipital and Lesser Occipital. Features access to 20 author-narrated videos showing proper placement of needles using ultrasound guidance, including 11 new videos: Forearm (ulnar, median and radial), Ankle (tibial, saphenous, superficial peroneal, deep peroneal, sural), Paravertebral, Adductor Canal, and Catheters. Presents several new chapters, including Regional Anesthesia in Resource-Constrained Environments and Safety of Ultrasound Guided Regional Blocks. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Clinical Doppler Ultrasound by Myron A. Pozniak; Paul L. Allan, 2014Clinical Doppler Ultrasound offers an accessible, comprehensive introduction and overview of the major applications of Doppler ultrasound and their role in patient management. The new edition of this medical reference book discusses everything you need to know to take full advantage of this powerful modality, from anatomy, scanning, and technique, to normal and abnormal findings and their interpretation. It presents just the right amount of Doppler ultrasonography information in a compact, readable format! "The text is well referenced and provides details of enough relevant sources for any experienced sonographer to use the book as a guide for developing comprehensive scanning protocols for a range of studies, as well as providing a useful reference for normal values and disease grading criteria. As with previous editions of this text I feel it would make an excellent addition to the library of any department where Doppler ultrasound examinations are performed". Reviewed by: Dave Flinton on behalf of Radiography journal, Nov 2014 "Whether you are an experienced vascular technologist/sonographer or a student in ultrasound this book should become a valued addition to your library". Reviewed by Gillian Martin, University Hospitals of South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, on behalf of RAD Magazine, July 2014 Make the most informed Doppler imaging decisions possible by gaining a thorough understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of using Doppler ultrasound, as well as the basic principles behind its techniques and technologies. Acquire optimal images and avoid errors with the help of detailed protocols and high-quality, full-color illustrations throughout. Understand and apply the latest Doppler imaging techniques with a new chapter on interventional and intraoperative applications of Doppler ultrasound and a new chapter on dialysis grafts, plus coverage of the most recent information on the role of contrast agents and how best to administer them. View real-time videos of Doppler imaging, and search across the complete text online at Expert Consult.
Critical Care Ultrasonography, 2nd Edition by Alexander Levitov; Paul H. Mayo; Anthony D. Slonim, 2014The premier training guide for the use of ultrasound in the intensive care unit. Includes online access to interactive cases and more than 180 videos " . . . the authors have succeeded in providing a reference standard to support bedside critical care providers to understand the context for their personal sonographically guided decision-making processes." -- Critical Care Medicine reviewing previous edition Critical Care Ultrasonography is a complete, hands-on guide to successful image acquisition and interpretation at the bedside. It delivers an all-inclusive, yet concise review of the optimal use and interpretation of ultrasonographic images in everyday practice. With this how-to guide, you'll learn how to systematically apply diagnostic ultrasound as part of an augmented physical examination in an array of therapeutic areas, from emergency medicine to the inpatient ward and intensive care unit. The book begins with a high-yield overview of the basic principles and physics of ultrasound, while subsequent chapters cover its use in evaluating the organs of the head and neck; the chest, abdomen, and pelvis; and the limbs and musculoskeletal system. A final section considers the use and application of ultrasound to improve the safety and performance of common, invasive procedures. Features: A pioneering, top-to-bottom examination of all the major technical concepts that physicians must know to use ultrasound in everyday clinical practice Valuable coverage of clinical algorithms and how to incorporate them into the clinical decision-making process, the formulation of differential diagnosis, and therapeutic recommendations Includes online access to more than 180 videos that illustrate the ultrasonographic appearance of normal and abnormal anatomic structures and function Color illustrations that depict the use of color in ultrasound images An A-to-Z glossary of technical and clinical terms in ultrasonography
Diagnostic Ultrasound, 6th ed. by Carol M. Rumack; Deborah Levine, 2024As in previous editions, we have included experts in the field to share their authoritative experience. Given the nature of ultrasound practice, which in radiology departments is moving toward a more body imaging/organ-based approach, this edition has been expanded to include more correlative imaging, and thus is a substantial update from the previous versions. We have also greatly expanded our video library to enable real-time examples of anatomy and pathology.
Previous editions have been very well accepted as reference textbooks and have been the commonly used reference in ultrasound education and practices worldwide. The text and references have all been updated and are available online. We are pleased to provide over 2,300 images, with 657 videos of ultrasound anatomy and pathology that complement the static images in the book. The display of real-time ultrasound has helped to capture those areas of anatomy that are difficult to depict on a still image. The video sweeps also allow a more complete depiction of pathology, and the relationship of pathology to surrounding anatomy.
Diagnostic Ultrasound for Sonographers by Aya Kamaya; Jade Wong-You-Cheong; Paula J. Woodward, 2019Authored by ultrasound specialists and reviewed by expert sonographers, this unique title is an image-rich, clinically relevant resource for both sonographers and beginning sonologists. Diagnostic Ultrasound for Sonographers meets the need for higher level diagnostic knowledge to not only identify an abnormality but understand its diagnostic implications, and anticipate what additional images would be needed to confirm a diagnosis. It includes tips on optimizing scans to streamline and accelerate the diagnostic process. Provides one-of-a-kind, detailed coverage of a wide range ultrasound findings and diagnoses specifically tailored to help sonographers and beginning sonologists understand the comprehensive diagnostic ultrasound exams they perform, improve diagnostic accuracy, and minimize the frequency of additional radiologic tests Covers exams and diagnoses that would be seen in a busy ultrasound practice, focusing on what is essential for diagnosis, such as imaging anatomy, imaging findings, differential diagnosis, pathology, clinical issues, and a diagnostic checklist Presents detailed cross-sectional ultrasound of normal anatomy, with correlated MR and CT images where appropriate, and full-color drawings Includes clinically relevant diagnosis chapters with concise, bulleted Key Facts including classic imaging findings, artifacts, pitfalls, and recommendations, all generously illustrated with thoroughly annotated sonographic imaging examples and full-color drawings Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase, which allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices
Essentials of Ultrasound Imaging by Thomas L. Szabo; Peter Kaczkowski, 2023Essentials of Ultrasound Imaging is an introduction to all aspects of acquiring and measuring pulse-echo data to form images. The book provides in-depth exploration of key physical processes, including wave propagation and interaction with physical media, piezoelectric transducers, arrays, and beam formation, and concludes with a survey of advanced topics in ultrasound. Uniquely, principles are revealed by examples from software simulation programs designed to demonstrate ultrasound concepts, and image and signal processing. There are also numerous examples from a Verasonics Vantage Research Ultrasound System to provide unparalleled insight into each step of ultrasound image creation, including signal processing, transducer operation, different types of beamforming, and image formation. The content is organized around a central functional block diagram which is, in turn, related to physical processes and processing involved in clinical and research imaging systems. With a thorough grounding in the fundamentals of physics and methods of ultrasound imaging, readers can better appreciate the introduction of advanced topics and various applications of ultrasound.
ISBN: 9780323953719
Publication Date: 2023-11-28
Hadzic's Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia, 3rd Edition by Admir Hadzic, 2021The complete, authoritative, and practical guide to ultrasound-guided nerve blocks - updated to reflect the most current NYSORA initiatives INCLUDES THREE ATLASES Hadzic's is the most comprehensive color guide to the procedures and equipment used in ultrasound guided nerve blocking. Color drawings and photographs are bolstered by concise, step-by-step instruction from the world-renowned St. Luke's Hospital in New York. The Third Edition has been updated to include more international contributors, and better align the book's content with the New York School of Regional Anesthesia's (NYSORA) standards of practice. Featuring sections that progress from the foundations of regional anesthesia to the clinical applications of nerve blocks, Hadzic's includes tips and insider perspective from the leadership of NYSORA and its academic affiliates. The book also includes three separate atlases, including a new atlas of musculoskeletal ultrasound, as well as surface anatomy, and ultrasound-guided anatomy. *A real-world emphasis on clinical utility serves as the underpinning of chapter content and drives the book's in-depth explanations of techniques and procedures *Outstanding organization begins with the foundations of peripheral nerve blocks (e.g., regional anesthesia, equipment, and monitoring and documentation) and then reviews clinical applications for both traditional procedures and ultrasound-guided procedures *Three atlases: musculoskeletal ultrasound, surface anatomy, ultrasound-guided anatomy
Handbook of Critical Care and Emergency Ultrasound by Kristin A. Carmody; Christopher L. Moore; David Feller-Kopman, 2011A quick-access practical handbook for the use of ultrasound in critical care and emergency department settings Point-of-care ultrasound offers a readily available, noninvasive, reproducible modality that can expedite and improve care in the critical care and the emergency setting. This handy guide clarifies basic concepts and provides the hands-on guidance necessary for clinicians to arrive at better therapeutic decisions and perform safer procedures with the use of ultrasound. Handbook of Critical Care and Emergency Ultrasound opens with important chapters on ultrasound basics, ultrasound orientation, and probe selection, machine controls, and equipment. 22 additional chapters cover organ or system-specific procedural applications and approaches to the trauma patient. You will also find algorithms for the patient with undifferentiated chest pain, dyspnea, hypotension, and abdominal pain. 259 drawings and photographs support the text, illustrating patient positioning, basic views, anatomy, and common pathology. Handbook of Critical Care and Emergency Ultrasound is the perfect resource for critical care and emergency providers who wish to deepen their knowledge of sonography and broaden their use of ultrasound in the care of their patient.
Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography by Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert, 2023Master sonographic examination protocols and techniques! The market-leading ultrasound text and reference, Textbook of Diagnostic Sonography, 9th Edition provides an in-depth understanding of general/abdominal and obstetric/gynecologic sonography. More than 3,100 ultrasound images and full-color anatomy illustrations help you recognize normal anatomy and abnormal pathology. Organized primarily by body system, coverage includes vascular sonography and echocardiography, and in the obstetrics section features a chronologic, trimester approach to ultrasound during pregnancy. Written by expert medical sonography educator and clinician Sandra L. Hagen-Ansert, this resource serves as ideal preparation for board exams and as a reference for practitioners in many different clinical settings. Comprehensive coverage includes sections on the foundations of ultrasound imaging and patient care, the abdomen, superficial structures of the body, pediatrics, the thoracic cavity and echocardiography, cerebrovascular evaluation, gynecology, and obstetrics. More than 3,100 images and full-color illustrations include high-resolution ultrasound pictures, detailed line drawings with need-to-know anatomic information, color photographs of gross pathology, and color Doppler illustrations. Key Terms open each chapter, focusing your attention on the vocabulary that you are required to know and understand. Key Pearls highlight the important concepts in each chapter. Pathology tables summarize clinical findings, laboratory findings, sonographic findings, and differential considerations. Sonographic Findings icon makes it easy to locate clinical information on particular pathologic conditions. Imaging information in each chapter includes normal anatomy, normal physiology, laboratory data and values, pathology, sonographic evaluation of an organ, pitfalls in sonography, clinical findings, and differential considerations. Condensed bibliography at the end of each chapter lists essential references for further research and study. Resources on the Evolve website include review questions for students and PowerPoint® slides, an image collection, and a test bank with 1,625 questions for instructors. NEW! Updated images depict the latest advances in the field of sonography and help you prepare for ARDMS boards and for clinicals. NEW! Updated content reflects the newest curriculum standards so you gain the knowledge and expertise required to pass the boards.
Ultrasound: the Requisites by Barbara S. Hertzberg; William D. Middleton, 2016This bestselling volume in The RequisitesT Series provides a comprehensive introduction to timely ultrasound concepts, ensuring quick access to all the essential tools for the effective practice of ultrasonography. Comprehensive yet concise, Ultrasound covers everything from basic principles to advanced state-of-the-art techniques. This title perfectly fulfills the career-long learning, maintenance of competence, reference, and review needs of residents, fellows, and practicing physicians. Covers the spectrum of ultrasound use for general, vascular, obstetric, and gynecologic imaging. Fully illustrated design includes numerous side-by-side correlative images. Written at a level ideal for residents seeking an understanding of the basics, or for practitioners interested in lifelong learning and maintenance of competence. Extensive boxes and tables highlight differential diagnoses and summarize findings. "Key Features" boxes offer a review of key information at the end of each chapter. Explore extensively updated and expanded content on important topics such as practical physics and image optimization, the thyroid, salivary glands, bowel, musculoskeletal system, cervical nodal disease, ectopic pregnancy, early pregnancy failure, management of asymptomatic adnexal cysts, practice guidelines - and a new chapter on fetal chromosome abnormalities. Visualize the complete spectrum of diseases with many new and expanded figures of anatomy and pathology, additional correlative imaging, and new schematics demonstrating important concepts and findings. Further enhance your understanding with visual guidance from the accompanying electronic version, which features over 600 additional figures and more than 350 real-time ultrasound videos. Expert Consult eBook version included with purchase. The enhanced eBook experience allows you to view the additional images and video segments and access all of the text, figures, and suggested readings on a variety of devices.
Core eBooks
Advances in Imaging: Step Towards Precision Medicine by Sikandar Shaikh, 2022This book covers all the advances in the imaging and elaborates on their applications and advantages. It provides step by step overview of the various advanced imaging modalities like molecular imaging, nano imaging, robotic imaging, stem cell imaging, optical imaging, immunoimaging, etc. It describes the applications of various advanced imaging modalities in pathologies like oncology, infection and inflammation and other conditions and provides the available therapeutic options with the help of these modalities. It also covers the detailed aspects of various modalities like ultrasound, CT, MRI, PET-CT, PET-MRI and other modalities. It includes the detailed explanation of various radiotracers, biomarkers and probes with many applications. Chapters cover detailed information at molecular level. The book is helpful for oncologists, hematologists, surgeons and many other specialists.
ISBN: 9789811695346
Publication Date: 2022-03-01
Basic Radiology, Second Edition by Michael Y. M. Chen; Thomas L. Pope; David J. Ott, 2011A well-illustrated, systems-based primer on learning radiologic imaging 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "Overall, this is a high quality book and a nice quick reference that is surprisingly complete for its size. The copious and well-chosen images are particularly valuable. It would be a good addition to the libraries of radiology departments, especially for medical students who are interested in radiology as a specialty and for radiology residents at the beginning of their training."--Doody's Review Service Basic Radiology is the easiest and most effective way for medical students, residents, and clinicians not specializing in radiologic imaging to learn the essentials of diagnostic test selection, application, and interpretation. This trusted guide is unmatched in its ability to teach you how to select and request the most appropriate imaging modality for a patient's presenting symptoms and familiarize yourself with the most common diseases that current radiologic imaging can best evaluate. Features: More than 800 high-quality images across all modalities A logical organ-system approach Consistent chapter presentation that includes:---Recap of recent developments in the radiologic imaging of the organ system discussed ---Description of normal anatomy ---Discussion of the most appropriate imaging technique for evaluating that organ system ---Questions and imaging exercises designed to enhance your understanding of key principles Brief list of suggested readings and general references Timely chapter describing the various diagnostic imaging techniques currently available, including conventional radiography, nuclear medicine, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging An important chapter providing an overview of the physics of radiation and its related biological effects, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging
Essentials of Radiology by Fred A. Mettler; Fred A. Mettler, 2019Ideal for radiology residents and medical students, as well as anyone who reads or orders radiology imaging studies, this user-friendly reference covers the basics of how to approach, read, and interpret radiological images. Using concise, step-by-step explanations and an enjoyable writing style, expert radiologist Dr. Fred A Mettler, Jr., walks you through a sequential thought process for all common indications for radiologic studies and their interpretation. Featuring thorough updates from cover to cover, this resource covers the fundamental information you need to know, as well as recent advances in the field. Covers which modalities to use for common suspected problems, the benefits and limitations of each modality, potential complications, clinical findings, and interpretation tips to facilitate decision-making and treatment. Includes normal images and common variants in primary care practice and life-threatening abnormalities for quick identification and referral - all highlighted with over 1,000 radiographic images, many in comparative panels of normal, abnormal, or correlative findings. Features new information throughout: more than 100 new American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria variants, digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), PET/CT, new screening guidelines for colon, breast, prostate and lung cancer, new quality and safety standards, and patient and inter-professional communication. Incorporates today's greater use of intermediate and advanced imaging technology, including CT, MR, and PET/CT, in addition to an emphasis on the most often-used imaging modalities such as ultrasound and plain film. Addresses core content of human anatomy and function/dysfunction as it relates to modern imaging. Features comprehensive tables of imaging indications for common problems across all body systems for quick reference. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging, 3d ed. by Alim Yucel-Finn; Fergus Mckiddie; Sarah Prescott, 2024Written by topic experts, this new edition of Farr's Physics for Medical Imaging is designed specifically for trainee radiologists preparing for the physics component of their FRCR exams. The book effectively explains the principles and techniques behind the most common forms of medical imaging, including X-ray, CT, ultrasound, MRI, nuclear medicine, and fluoroscopy. Trainee radiologists and radiographers will find this an easy to understand and useful adjunct to their exam preparation - even those who haven't studied physics since school. Designed for those studying for their FRCR part 1 exams - covers everything you need to know Easy to read and navigate, suitable for those with varying levels of physics knowledge Written by topic experts -?physicists and a radiologist, to make the information more accessible to radiology trainees Clear line drawings and sample images illustrate the principles discussed Fully revised and updated Reflects changes to the FRCR examination Increased amount of clinical content Covers new legislation concerning radiological safety New chapter on radiology information technology
ISBN: 9780702083648
Publication Date: 2023-05-15
Image-Guided Interventions by Kenneth R. Thomson; Matthew A. Mauro; Kieran P. J. Murphy et al, 2021Completely revised to reflect recent, rapid changes in the field of interventional radiology (IR), Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition, offers comprehensive, narrative coverage of vascular and nonvascular interventional imaging-ideal for IR subspecialists as well as residents and fellows in IR. This award-winning title provides clear guidance from global experts, helping you formulate effective treatment strategies, communicate with patients, avoid complications, and put today's newest technology to work in your practice. Offers step-by-step instructions on a comprehensive range of image-guided intervention techniques, including discussions of equipment, contrast agents, pharmacologic agents, antiplatelet agents, and classic signs, as well as detailed protocols, algorithms, and SIR guidelines. Includes new chapters on Patient Preparation, Prostate Artery Embolization, Management of Acute Aortic Syndrome, Percutaneous Arterial Venous Fistula Creation, Lymphatic Interventions, Spinal and Paraspinal Nerve Blocks, and more. Employs a newly streamlined format with shorter, more digestible chapters for quicker reference. Integrates new patient care and communication tips throughout to address recent changes in practice. Highlights indications and contraindications for interventional procedures, and provides tables listing the materials and instruments required for each. Features more than 2,300 state-of-the-art images demonstrating IR procedures, full-color illustrations of anatomical structures and landmarks, and video demonstrations online. 2014 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Radiology category! Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Learning Radiology, 5th ed. by William Herring, 2024Dr. William Herring's Learning Radiology: Recognizing the Basics, 5th Edition, remains the leading introductory radiology text for medical students and others who are required to read and interpret common radiologic images. Using an easy-to-follow pattern recognition approach, this clearly written, highly illustrated text teaches how to differentiate normal and abnormal images of all modalities. From the basics of patient safety, dose reduction, and radiation protection to the latest information on ultrasound, MRI, and CT, it provides a complete, up-to-date introduction to radiology needed by today's students. Uses a clear, conversational writing style-with a touch of humor-to explain what you need to know to effectively interpret medical images of all modalities. Teaches how to arrive at a diagnosis by following a pattern recognition approach, and logically overcome difficult diagnostic challenges with the aid of decision trees. Employs an easy-to-read, bullet-point format, including bolded key points and icons designating special content: Diagnostic Pitfalls, Really Important Points, Take-Home Points, and Weblinks. Features more than 850 high-quality illustrations, useful tables, case study questions, and teaching boxes throughout. Shares the extensive knowledge and experience of esteemed author Dr. William Herring, a skilled radiology teacher and the host of his own specialty website, Offers quick review and instruction for medical students, residents, and fellows, as well as those in related fields such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud-as well as access bonus content, including new appendices covering the Discovery of X-rays, Diagnostic Radiology Signs, and Artificial Intelligence in Radiology; USMLE-style Q&A; 30 videos; and more.
PET and PET/CT: A Clinical Guide by Eugene C. Lin; Abass Alavi, 2019Top-selling, concise guide to PET and PET/CT imaging from distinguished radiologists, now in a new edition! PET and PET/CT have been increasingly used as effective imaging modalities in the management of patients with cancer, neurologic disease, musculoskeletal disease, and cardiac disease. PET and PET/CT: A Clinical Guide, Third Edition by world renowned molecular imaging pioneer Abass Alavi and esteemed diagnostic and nuclear radiologist Eugene Lin features the latest advances in PET technology in an easy-to-read format. The book lays a solid foundation with opening chapters on scanner physics, radionuclide basics, study interpretation, patient preparation, quantitative whole-body PET/CT imaging, normal variants, benign findings, and clinical applications. Key Highlights Oncology-related chapters include the use of PET for rare and common cancers -- from brain neoplasms and musculoskeletal tumors -- to breast and colorectal cancers Updated with the latest scientific literature and guidelines Specialized topics include Gadolinium-68 imaging techniques, pediatric PET/CT, utilization for radiation therapy planning and infection and inflammation evaluations, and neurological and cardiac applications A state-of-the-chapter on PET/MRI More than 500 high-quality images, including many in full color Succinct yet comprehensive, this state-of-the-art book will enable clinicians to master a highly complex imaging discipline at an accelerated pace. Residents and veteran practitioners in the fields of nuclear medicine, radiology, oncology, radiation oncology, and nuclear medicine technology will benefit from reading this resource. This book includes complimentary access to a digital copy on
Radiology Noninterpretive Skills: the Requisites by Hani H. Abujudeh; Michael A. Bruno, 2018Part of the highly respected Requisites series, Radiology Noninterpretive Skills, by Drs. Hani H. Abujudeh and Michael A. Bruno, is a single-volume source of timely information on all of the non-imaging aspects of radiology such as quality and safety, ethics and professionalism, and error management in radiology. Residents and radiologists preparing for the boards and recertification will find this book invaluable, as well as those practitioners wanting to broaden their knowledge and skills in this increasingly important area. Offers a readable and concise introduction to the essential noninterpretive skills as defined by the IOM, ACR, and other national organizations. Covers what you need to know about quality and safety; leadership and management; health economics; legal, business, ethics and professionalism; statistical tools; error reporting and prevention; evidence-based imaging; health IT and internet applications; "Image Wisely" and "Imaging 3.0" ACR initiatives; legal issues and malpractice; current and future payment models in radiology; and much more. Summarizes key information with numerous outlines, tables, ''pearls,'' and boxed material for easy reference. Provides comprehensive coverage of key "milestones" in training identified by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Fills an important gap for those preparing for the current MOC and ABR exams, covering the many topics touched upon in a major section of the examinations. Brings together in one source the experience of leading national experts and a select team of expert contributors. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, Q&As, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging, 4th ed. by Stephanie Ryan; Michelle McNicholas; Stephen Eustace, 2025Since the first edition 30 years ago, there has been an explosion in imaging, both anatomic and functional. Interventional radiology continues to forge ahead in importance and scope, daring to go where no person has gone before! Techniques have come and gone and come back again. We stated that lymphography was ‘long since’ gone in the preface to the last edition. Now we have added a new section on lymphatic anatomy, as interest in lymphography has been reborn following new interventional radiology possibilities. Of course, the anatomy will always stay the same, but how imagers and interventionalists interact with it, and even how they understand it, continually evolves.
This latest edition has over 200 new images and diagrams and a new all colour format. There is emphasis on important anatomic detail by subspecialist authors bringing the latest edition completely up to date. Anatomy for Diagnostic Imaging has been a labour of love that has bookended radiology careers of its original authors and is something that we have been hugely proud of. With the new crew on board, we hope that there will be enthusiasm to continue to keep the book up to date as imaging continues to evolve over the next decade and beyond. It will certainly be in the best of hands. It has been fun. For me anyway!
ISBN: 9780443105609
Chapman and Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis by Hameed Rafiee (Editor), 2020Chapman & Nakielny's Aids to Radiological Differential Diagnosis is a well-loved radiology resource, used by trainees and practitioners worldwide to hone their knowledge of radiological differential diagnosis for the most commonly encountered conditions throughout the body. It is an invaluable quick-reference companion in everyday practice, as well as an essential study tool when preparing for the FRCR or similar examinations. First published 35 years ago Stephen Chapman and Richard Nakielny's original aims remain as relevant today as when the book was originally conceived. However radiology has expanded rapidly in recent years and this Seventh Edition is the biggest revision this book has had in its long history with major changes incorporated into nearly every section. Comprehensive lists of differential diagnoses to aid effective diagnoses Closely aligned to the needs of current FRCR curriculum Brief, to the point text and clear page format allows for rapid access to key information Part 2 of the book has been restructured to focus on multisystem disorders which cannot be fully covered in the individual chapters in Part 1. A new chapter on Nuclear Medicine has been added to reflect its importance in modern medical imaging. The chapter on head and neck conditions has been significantly expanded. Important discriminating features have been added to nearly every differential to aid the reader in developing a strategy for reaching a diagnosis. The top differentials in each list which are considered important for radiology trainees to learn for exams are underlined.
Clinical Imaging: an Atlas of Differential Diagnosis by Ronald L. Eisenberg, 2010Dr. Eisenberg's best seller is now in its Fifth Edition--with brand-new material on PET and PET/CT imaging and expanded coverage of MRI and CT. Featuring over 3,700 illustrations, this atlas guides readers through the interpretation of abnormalities on radiographs. The emphasis on pattern recognition reflects radiologists' day-to-day needs...and is invaluable for board preparation. Organized by anatomic area, the book outlines and illustrates typical radiologic findings for every disease in every organ system. Tables on the left-hand pages outline conditions and characteristic imaging findings...and offer comments to guide diagnosis. Images on the right-hand pages illustrate the major findings noted in the tables. A companion Websiteallows you to assess and further sharpen your diagnostic skills.
Grainger and Allison's Diagnostic Radiology by Jonathan H. Gillard; Cornelia Schaefer-Prokop; Andy Adam; Adrian K. Dixon, 2021Master the information you need to know for practice and prepare for certification or recertification with a succinct, comprehensive account of the entire spectrum of imaging modalities and their clinical applications. Throughout six outstanding editions, Grainger and Allison's Diagnostic Radiology has stood alone as the single comprehensive reference on general diagnostic radiology. Now in two succinct volumes, the 7th Edition of this landmark text continues to provide complete coverage of all currently available imaging techniques and their clinical applications - the essential information you need to succeed in examinations and understand current best practices in radiological diagnosis. Organizes content along an organ and systems basis, covering all diagnostic imaging techniques in an integrated, correlative fashion, with a focus on the topics that matter most to a trainee radiologist in the initial years of training. Contains more than 4,000 high-quality illustrations that enhance and clarify the text. Features an expanded section on cardiac imaging to reflect major developments in cardiac MRI, including 3D ultrasound, PET, and SPECT. Integrates functional and molecular imaging throughout each section, and includes the latest image-guided biopsy and ablation techniques. Provides an ideal resource for written, oral, and re-certifying board study as well as for a clinical practice refresher on topics that may have been forgotten. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Grainger & Allison's Diagnostic Radiology Essentials, 3d ed. by Lee Alexander Grant; Nyree Griffin, 2025This third edition of Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology Essentials is the culmination of two years’ hard work on the part of the editors to update and revise the previous second edition. It is based on the current seventh edition of Grainger & Allison’s Diagnostic Radiology . Again, the overriding concept is to provide a unique single volume general radiology textbook, which attempts to encapsulate all the core information provided in its parent book, but presents it in an easy to read format. With this in mind, we have again made use of standardized headings throughout the book and have again directly linked images with the relevant text by placing them on the facing page. We have again made use of colour formatting throughout the book, to make it more accessible to the reader and facilitate quicker referencing. Inevitably due to limitations of space not every detail or as many figures could be included as we would have liked. However, we hope we have achieved, within space limitations, what we set out to do. We have included a new section on COVID-19-related pathology in response to the recent pandemic and also, amongst other changes, have revised the section on CNS tumours to reflect the new 2021 WHO CNS tumour classification.
ISBN: 9780323936057
Imaging for the Health Care Practitioner by Terry R. Malone; Charles Hazle; Michael L. Grey; Paul C. Hendrix, 2016A complete sourcebook of diagnostic imaging for the health care practitioner Imaging for the Health Care Practitioner offers authoritative, engagingly written coverage of common imaging modalities and their use in evaluating, monitoring, and treating the injuries most often encountered by health care professionals. The concise, clinically focused content focuses on what is most important to patient management and education. You will find a complete review of radiography, CT, MRI, and ultrasound, along with more than 360 state-of-the-art images that depict injuries and the healing process. The authors take you through both advantages and limitations of each modality in the rehabilitation setting as well as the screening and evaluation process. Armed with the expert insights found within this book, you will gain a meaningful frame of reference from which to discuss the results of these tests with patients. The book opens with a valuable Primer on Imaging for the Health Care Practitioner which discusses essential topics such as how to order imaging and communicate the results, how to read images, and medico legal considerations Each regional or systems chapter explains the special applications unique to that body part and how clinicians can select for optimal clinical decision making and includes case studies that demonstrate real-world application of concepts. Clinical pearls reinforce key points in each chapter ·
Introduction to Diagnostic Radiology by Khaled Elsayes; Sandra Oldham, 2014A practical clinically relevant introduction to diagnostic radiology Introduction to Basic Radiology is written to provide non-radiologists with the level of knowledge necessary to order correct radiological examinations, improve image interpretation, and enhance their interpretation of various radiological manifestations. The book focuses on the clinical scenarios most often encountered in daily practice and discusses practical imaging techniques and protocols used to address common problems. Relevant case scenarios are included to demonstrate how to reach a specific diagnosis. Introduction to Basic Radiology is divided into ten chapters. The first two chapters provide basic information on various diagnostic imaging techniques and control agents. Each of the following chapters discuss imaging of specific organ systems and begin with a description of the imaging modality of choice and illustrates the relevant features to help simplify the differential diagnosis. You will also find important chapters on pediatric radiology and women's imaging. Unlike other introductory texts on the subject, this book treats diagnosis from a practical point of view. Rather than discuss various diseases and classify them from the pathologic standpoint, Introduction to Basic Radiology utilizes cases from the emergency room and physician's offices and uses a practical approach to reach a diagnosis. The cases walk you through a radiology expert's analysis of imaging patterns. These cases are presented progressively, with the expert's thinking process described in detail. The cases highlight clinical presentation, clinical suspicion, modality of choice, radiologic technique, and pertinent imaging features of common disease processes.
Molecular Imaging, Second Edition by Brian D. Ross; Sanjiv S. Gambhir, 2021The detection and measurement of the dynamic regulation and interactions of cells and proteins within the living cell are critical to the understanding of cellular biology and pathophysiology. The multidisciplinary field of molecular imaging of living subjects continues to expand with dramatic advances in chemistry, molecular biology, therapeutics, engineering, medical physics and biomedical applications. Molecular Imaging: Principles and Practice, Volumes 1 and 2, Second Edition provides the first point of entry for physicians, scientists, and practitioners. This authoritative reference book provides a comprehensible overview along with in-depth presentation of molecular imaging concepts, technologies and applications making it the foremost source for both established and new investigators, collaborators, students and anyone interested in this exciting and important field.
ISBN: 9780128163863
Publication Date: 2021-08-02
Primer of Diagnostic Imaging by Mukesh G. Harisinghani; John W. Chen; Ralph Weissleder, 2019Widely known as THE survival guide for radiology residents, fellows, and junior faculty, the "purple book" provides comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of diagnostic imaging in an easy-to-read, bulleted format. Focusing on the core information you need for learning and practice, this portable resource combines the full range of diagnostic imaging applications with the latest imaging modalities, making it the perfect clinical companion and review tool. Features more than 1,200 detailed illustrations now in full color, plus images that clearly depict the latest applications of CT, MRI, PET/CT, and other diagnostic imaging modalities. Provides new coverage of non-interpretive skills such as quality and safe dosing. Balances new information and anatomic drawings with timeless, relevant material to fully prepare you for the boards and for daily practice. Explains the nuances of key diagnostic details for all body systems, including signs and symptoms, anatomic landmarks, and common radiologic-pathologic alterations, for the full range of radiologic modalities and specialties. Uses a bulleted format and provides mnemonics, descriptive terminology, and space for note taking that make it easy to learn and remember key facts, techniques, and images. Allows you to work through diagnoses with hundreds of differentials for board certification preparation. Clarifies the impact of the latest disease entities on the interpretation of radiologic findings. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Interventional Radiology eBooks
Image-Guided Interventions by Kenneth R. Thomson; Matthew A. Mauro; Kieran P. J. Murphy et al, 2021Completely revised to reflect recent, rapid changes in the field of interventional radiology (IR), Image-Guided Interventions, 3rd Edition, offers comprehensive, narrative coverage of vascular and nonvascular interventional imaging-ideal for IR subspecialists as well as residents and fellows in IR. This award-winning title provides clear guidance from global experts, helping you formulate effective treatment strategies, communicate with patients, avoid complications, and put today's newest technology to work in your practice. Offers step-by-step instructions on a comprehensive range of image-guided intervention techniques, including discussions of equipment, contrast agents, pharmacologic agents, antiplatelet agents, and classic signs, as well as detailed protocols, algorithms, and SIR guidelines. Includes new chapters on Patient Preparation, Prostate Artery Embolization, Management of Acute Aortic Syndrome, Percutaneous Arterial Venous Fistula Creation, Lymphatic Interventions, Spinal and Paraspinal Nerve Blocks, and more. Employs a newly streamlined format with shorter, more digestible chapters for quicker reference. Integrates new patient care and communication tips throughout to address recent changes in practice. Highlights indications and contraindications for interventional procedures, and provides tables listing the materials and instruments required for each. Features more than 2,300 state-of-the-art images demonstrating IR procedures, full-color illustrations of anatomical structures and landmarks, and video demonstrations online. 2014 BMA Medical Book Awards Highly Commended in Radiology category! Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Interventional Radiology: a Survival Guide by David Kessel; Iain Robertson, 2017What are the must-know aspects to preparing for and performing the most frequently requested diagnostic and therapeutic interventional procedures? Interventional Radiology: A Survival Guide, 4th Edition gives you the information you need to provide safe care in an easy-to-read, concise format. Written by experienced radiologists Drs. H. David Kessel and Iain Robertson, this edition features clear, step-by-step instructions for fundamental skills in this fast-growing field. Extensively restructured into 4 sections: Core interventional skills; Essential equipment; Principles of Vascular intervention and Principles of Non-vascular intervention. Increased emphasis on Interventional Oncology including the management of cancer and its complications. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices. Nearly 300 line diagrams and photos illustrate procedures, including anatomical and technical points. Tip boxes highlight key facts and technical recommendations. Troubleshooting guides help get you back on track when things don't go exactly as planned. Warning boxes highlight common and important pitfalls.
Translational Interventional Radiology by Adam E. M. Eltorai; Tao Liu; Rajat Chand et al,Translational Interventional Radiology, a volume in the Handbook for Designing and Conducting Clinical and Translational Research series, covers the principles of evidence-based medicine and applies these principles to the design of translational investigations in Interventional Radiology. The reader will come to fully understand important concepts including case-control study, prospective cohort study, randomized trial, and reliability study. Medical researchers will benefit from greater confidence in their ability to initiate and execute their own investigations, avoid common pitfalls in Interventional Radiology, and know what is needed for successful collaboration. Further, this reference is an indispensable tool in grant writing and funding efforts. The practical, straightforward approach helps aspiring investigators navigate challenging considerations in study design and implementation. This book provides valuable discussions of the critical appraisal of published studies in Interventional Radiology, elucidating the evaluation of the quality with respect to measuring outcomes and making effective use of all types of evidence in patient care. In short, this practical guide will be of interest to every medical researcher and interventional radiologist who has ever had a good clinical idea but not the knowledge of how to test it. Focuses on the principles of evidence-based medicine and applies these principles to the design of translational investigations within interventional radiology Provides a practical, straightforward approach that helps investigators navigate challenging considerations in study design and implementation Details discussions of the critical appraisal of published studies in interventional radiology, supporting evaluation with respect to measuring outcomes and making effective use of all types of evidence in patient care
ISBN: 9780128230558
Publication Date: 2023-04-05
Research Tools
CINAHLThis link opens in a new windowCovers nursing and allied health disciplines. Includes journal articles, healthcare books, nursing dissertations, selected conference proceedings and standards of professional practice. Some full text available.
Cochrane Database of Systematic ReviewsThis link opens in a new windowIncludes the full text of regularly updated systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare prepared by The Cochrane Collaboration.
EMBASEThis link opens in a new windowStrong emphasis on drug-related literature & toxicology, in addition to all espects of human medicine. Also covers nursing, dentistry, paramedical professions, podiatry, homeopathy.
PubMedThis link opens in a new windowFree access to MEDLINE & PREMEDLINE databases from the National Library of Medicine. Includes links to other NLM resources including NCBI databases, OMIM, MedlinePlus consumer health data & PubMed Central free digital archive of biomedical literature.
SCOPUSThis link opens in a new windowIncludes articles from more than 4,000 publishers, covering the scientific, medical, technical & the social sciences. For articles published since 1996 many include the full bibliography & abstract, and links to other papers citing those publications.
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new windowThe Web of Science contains a remarkable treasure of data on scientific content, impact, and collaborations from 1900 to the present day on a global scale.
Radiology Secrets Plus, 4th ed. by Drew A. Torigian; Parvati Ramchandani, 2017For 30 years, the highly regarded Secrets Series® has provided students and practitioners in all areas of health care with concise, focused, and engaging resources for quick reference and exam review. Radiology Secrets Plus, 4th Edition, by Drs. Drew Torigian and Parvati Ramchandani, features the Secrets' popular question-and-answer format that also includes lists, tables, and an informal tone - making reference and review quick, easy, and enjoyable. Top 100 Secrets and Key Points boxes provide a fast overview of the secrets you must know for success in practice and on exams. The proven Secrets® format gives you the most return for your study time - concise, easy to read, engaging, and highly effective. Larger page size provides the visual detail necessary for success in radiology, yet is still easy to carry with you for quick reference or review. NEW: Expert Consult eBook features online and mobile access. Full-color, expanded layout enhances understanding in this highly visual field. Thorough updates throughout by a new expert author team from the highly regarded program at University of Pennsylvania and world-renowned contributors from top radiology programs.
Emergency Radiology: Case Studies by David T. Schwartz, 2008Effectively and confidently interpret even the most challenging radiographic study A Doody's Core Title! "...should be a part of every emergency medicine resident's personal library. In addition to residents, I would highly recommend this book to medical students, midlevel providers and any other physician who is interested in improving their ability to interpret radiographic studies necessary to diagnose common emergency medicine patient complaints."--Annals of Emergency Medicine 4 STAR DOODY'S REVIEW! "The purpose is to help improve the reader's skills in ordering and interpreting radiographs. The focus is on conventional radiographs, as well as noncontrast head CT. For emergency physicians this is a vital skill, which can greatly aid in making difficult diagnoses. The book is well written and thorough in addressing how to read radiographs, as well as covering easy to miss findings. The numerous pictures and radiographs are invaluable in demonstrating the author's teaching points and in engaging the reader in the clinical cases....This well written book will be extremely useful for practicing emergency physicians. The clinical cases are interesting and help challenge the reader to improve their skills at evaluating radiographs more thoroughly."--Doody's Review Service Emergency Radiology: Case Studies is a one-of-a-kind text specifically designed to help you fine-tune your emergency radiographic interpretation and problem-solving skills. Illustrated with hundreds of high-resolution images, this reference covers the full range of clinical problems in which radiographic studies play a key role.Dr. David Schwartz, a leading educator, takes you step-by-step through the radiographic analysis of medical, surgical, and traumatic disorders, giving you an unparalleled review of the use and interpretation of radiographic studies in emergency diagnosis. Features 55 cases studies that highlight challenging areas in emergency diagnosis, including imaging studies with subtle, equivocal, or potentially misleading findings Detailed coverage of the broad spectrum of disorders for which radiographs are utilized in emergency practice Coverage of chest and abdominal radiology, the extremities, cervical spine and facial radiology, and head CT Cohesive template for each chapter, beginning with a case presentation, followed by a comprehensive discussion of the disorder under consideration Sections begin with an overview of the pertinent radiographic technique, anatomy, and method of radiographic interpretation Diagnosis-accelerating radiographs, ultrasound images, CT scans, and MR images Invaluable "pearls and pitfalls" of radiographic interpretation
Mayo Clinic Body MRI Case Review by Christine U. C. Lee; James Glockner, 2014Using state-of-the-art MRI images, this book illustrates radiological findings in the abdomen and pelvis in a case presentation format. Cases presented in this book include common and uncommon diseases of nearly every organ system of the abdomen and pelvis. Each case succinctly discusses therelevant imaging findings, differential diagnosis, and potential imaging and diagnostic pitfalls. Many cases also include discussion of MRI technique, with illustration of some common artifacts.For radiology residents and fellows, this book will be a valuable study tool and reference; fourth-year residents should find this book especially helpful when studying for oral boards. Practicing radiologists should find this a useful quick review of state-of-the-art body MRI.
Pediatric Emergency Radiology by Ann M. Dietrich; Gayathri Sreedher, 2023Part of the "What Do I Do Now?: Emergency Medicine" series, Pediatric Emergency Radiology uses a case-based approach to cover common and important topics in radiology imaging for pediatric emergency care. Each chapter provides a discussion of the diagnosis, key points to remember, and selected references for further reading. Areas of controversy are clearly delineated with a discussion regarding evidence-based options and a balanced view of treatment and disposition decisions. The book addresses a wide range of topics including neonatal respiratory distress, foreign body ingestion, Bronchiolitis, and related radiology issues faced by emergency medicine providers and pediatricians. Pediatric Emergency Radiology is an engaging collection of thought-provoking cases which clinicians can utilize for effective imaging of pediatric patients. The volume is also a self-assessment tool that tests the reader's ability to answer the question, "What do I do now?"
CenterWatch: Clinical Trials Listing ServiceThis link opens in a new windowDesigned to be a resource for both patients interested in participating in clinical trials and for research professionals.
Clinical Trials ListingThis link opens in a new windowProvides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical trials. Provides information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details.
Patients' LibrariesThe Mayo Clinic Libraries offer Patients’ Library services at several locations. Visit these guides for details about the collections and services available at each location.
W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine LibraryThe W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library is a specialized library housing important collections in the history of medicine and allied sciences. Several thousand volumes of rare medical classics (from 1479) and early journal literature (from 1665) comprise the core collection of primary literature on all aspects of medicine and allied fields. More recently published histories, biographies, facsimiles, and other support materials comprise the remainder of the collection of some 23,000 total volumes. Special strengths include anesthesiology, cardiology, dermatology, immunology, ophthalmology and neurology. The library also has a large collection of Mayo physician bound reprints.
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