Systematic Review Screening (Covidence): Home

A guide on the use of Covidence for literature review title and abstract screening






Covidence is a cloud-based tool to streamline the process of reviewing titles and abstracts for large-scale literature reviews enabling you to:

  • Collaboratively manage an unlimited amount of references and PDFs
  • Customize screening, full-text review, critical appraisal, and data extraction
  • Document each step of your review process for transparent reporting (including an automatically updated PRISMA diagram)

*View a brief demo*


Accessing Covidence

1. Sign up for an account via Covidence

2. Verify your email address (check that the response from Covidence didn't go into your junk mail folder).

3. Going forward, login via the Covidence sign-in page.

Please contact 
regarding access issues.

Note about Importing with an EndNote XML file

Use the All Fields output style in EndNote when creating an export file to import into Covidence.

Other output styles may result in studified references. This occurs when records that reference the same study are automatically merged. Studified/merged references affect record numbers required for accurate PRISMA reporting.

Manage Settings

Be sure to save changes made under these tabs!

Review Settings -> Edit the title of your review and change the number of reviewers (note: systematic review guidelines require 2 reviewers). 

Reviewers -> Invite additional team members (reviewers will need to accept the invitation in their email in order for the review to appear in their My Reviews list; reviewers do not need to be affiliated with Mayo Clinic to join the team). 

Team Settings -> Control which reviewers are assigned to screen studies or resolve conflicts and track progress of each reviewer.

Criteria & Exclusion Reasons -> Create list of inclusion criteria for title and abstract screening (may also manage exclusion reasons with customized drop-down list of exclusion criteria for use during the full text review).  Additionally, keywords may be added to highlight certain words that could indicate inclusion or exclusion.  

Study Tags -> Covidence is pre-populated with 2 tags: Ongoing Study & Awaiting Classification.  Additional tags may be added and used to quickly filter references.  Tags are visible by other team members.

Uploading Full Text

Where a DOI is present, the LibKey Nomad icon appears with citations in the "Title and abstract screening", Full text review", and "Extraction" stages of Covidence projects to assist with full text gathering when connected to the Mayo network:LibKey Nomad icon

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