Mission The Mayo Clinic Archives-Florida is the official repository for the collection, preservation, and access to historically valuable materials documenting the culture and development of Mayo Clinic in Florida. Our goal is to support the three Mayo Clinic shields of Practice, Education, and Research by serving as the memory of the institution. In doing so we seek to: ensure the assistance necessary for those with research interests; reveal the story and significance of Mayo Clinic in Florida’s heritage through its carefully curated collections; and provide intellectual access to the archives, both in person and online. Vision The Mayo Clinic Archives-Florida envisions itself as a participatory archive in which members of the community are encouraged to become involved in the process of creating collections and interacting with them. Above all, we want to inspire an appreciation of Mayo Clinic in Florida’s founding, especially in those who are shaping its future.
For more information, contact: Carole LaRochelle, MLIS | Archivist | FLAHISTUNIT@mayo.edu | 904-956-3127 |
Virginia Wright-Peterson, Ph.D., shares her journey researching the rich history of Mayo Clinic in Florida and an overview of the history of the campus, from its founding to the present day. Dr. Wright-Peterson held administrative roles at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and Arizona and was present during the Clinic’s opening in Florida. She is the author of Women of Mayo Clinic: The Founding Generation; A Woman’s War, Too: Women’s Work During WWII; and Rochester: An Urban Biography.
Back Row Left to Right: Amy Bull; ? ; Charyln Myatt; Ofelia; Alice Williamson; Lori Weaver; Kelly Griffin
Front Row Left to Right: Nancy George; Adelle Johnson; Lisa Barnett; Pat; Ellen Micelli; Vicki Baker; Michelle von Esche; Debbie Stiffler
Left to Right: Natalie Winter; ?, ?, ?, ?, ?
If you know some or all of the individuals in this photo, please email FLAHISTUNIT@mayo.edu with the person's name, their position in the photo, and the Photo Number.
Left to Right: Leo Black; Robert R. Waller, M.D; Elliot Richelson, M.D.; W. Eugene Mayberry, M.D.
If you know some or all of the individuals in this photo, please email FLAHISTUNIT@mayo.edu with the person's name, their position in the photo, and the Photo Number.