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W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine: Home

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Content Note

Patient records, general publications such as books and journals, and genealogical materials are not available through the Archives.

The 2,000,000th patient registers at Mayo Clinic, 1954.

Our Mission

The W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine is responsible for acquiring, organizing, preserving, and promoting the recorded memory of individuals and organizations which have shaped Mayo Clinic’s unique culture and history, and for providing research tools and services to make such materials accessible to users.

It serves as the official repository for historical materials relating to Mayo Clinic. The resources of its archives are open to all members of the Mayo community, and upon approval, to others interested in the history of the Mayo Clinic.

"In the study of some apparently new problems, we often make progress by reading the work of the great men of the past...."  - Charles H. Mayo, M.D.
From "Surgery of the Sympathetic Nervous System"  Ann. Surg.,  96:481-487 (Oct.), 1932.

What Materials Do We Have?

The W. Bruce Fye Center for the History of Medicine houses archival collections that contain official records of the Clinic and its administrative offices, official and unofficial publications, departmental annual reports, committee minutes, photographic and moving images, sound recordings, personal papers, and memorabilia relating to the Mayo Clinic, its mission, programs, and people. To search our archival holdings, please visit our online catalog (MAX).

Appointments to view archival material can be arranged by contacting Center staff. Permission to publish archival collection materials must be obtained from the Historical Committee. For more information on our services, policies, and donation guidelines, please see the pertinent tabs at the top of the page.

The Mayo Brothers' Offices

The Historical Suite originally housed the offices of Drs. William J. and Charles H. Mayo from 1928 until their deaths in 1939. Dr. Will's office is arranged as it was when he used it. Family photographs and pictures of the Mayo family's riverboats are displayed along with other personal effects.

Dr. Charlie's office contains original furnishings and family photographs. After his death, his son, Dr. Charles (Chuck) W. Mayo, also a Mayo Clinic surgeon, used the office until his retirement.

The Board of Governors Room in the Plummer Building was the heart of the Mayo Clinic from 1928-1954. The Board conducted weekly meetings there to decide best practices for the Clinic and to shape its future. Today, the Board Room is part of the Historical Suite, which also offers displays about the history of the Clinic.


Open for Self-Guided Tours:
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm

Volunteers are present from 11:00 - 1:00

The Historical Suite is open to Mayo Clinic staff, patients and their families. It is not open to the general public.

Mon-Fri by appointment

Research Requests and Questions

For research questions and requests, please
complete this form.

Patient Medical Records:
Please contact Health Information Management Services

Virtual Tour

Can't visit the Historical Suite in person?
Click here to take a virtual tour!


Christopher J. Boes, M.D.
Medical Director
Phone: 507-284-6112

Renee Ziemer
History and Heritage Program Manager
Phone: 507-284-2585

Emily Christopherson
Digital Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-0272

Karen Koka
Historical Archives Librarian IV
Phone: 507-284-4054

Gioia Spatafora
Archivist and Registrar/Librarian II
Phone: 507-293-3313

Alec Thicke
Anesthesiology Project Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-3420


Historical Suite
Plummer Building, 3rd Floor
Mayo Clinic
Rochester, MN 55905
Phone: 507-284-0272