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W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine: Donating to the Archives

Donating Your Material

The Archives collects materials that help tell the Mayo story from its founding period to its present mission and activities. Keep in mind that contemporary records will one day be of historic interest and today's innovations are tomorrows artifacts! Donating to the Archives ensures that the Clinic's legacy carries on for future generations.

If you or your department would like to donate records and/or artifacts to the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine, please contact Renee Ziemer, Center Coordinator, for a donation assessment. 

Records selected for permanent retention should be transferred to the archives using the procedures at the bottom of this page.

Archival Wish List

The Archives would like to acquire the following material in paper and/or digital formats:

  • Department histories, reports, minutes, newsletters, accomplishments
  • Committee minutes and reports
  • Correspondence (including significant email)
  • Quarterly Directories c.1980
  • Photographs of building construction (please identify building)
  • Candid photographs of people and activities taking place around Mayo campuses (please identify people and activity)
  • Project materials, records
  • Moving Images of staff and department activities (including social functions such as picnics and recreation)
  • Research notes

Artifact Wish List

The Historical Unit is looking for the following materials to add to their collection:  (donations only please)

  • Surgical and medical practice instruments
  • Instrument prototypes
  • Uniforms from various departments (1920s-current)
  • Unique pieces of Mayo memorabilia
  • Unique department-related artifacts

Donation Procedures

  1. Conduct a records survey to identify and separate any permanently valuable records
    The Archives staff can work with you and advise you on how to identify which records are of permanent value.
  2. Obtain boxes
    Material sent to the Archives must be sent in record center boxes. These boxes may be obtained from through Lawson, stock number 291693.
  3. Number and fill the boxes
    Number each box. Fill the boxes from front to back. For records arranged chronologically, put the earliest records in the front and fill towards the back. For records arranged alphabetically, put the beginning of the alphabet in the front and fill towards the back.
  4. Label the boxes with the following information:

          From: Department/Office Name
          To: W. Bruce Fye Center for the History of Medicine, Plummer 11-37 (LIB)
          Box # [number of this box]
  5. Make a container list of the box contents
    The box contents list should include the number of the box, then the title of each folder in that box exactly as written on the folder. List loose materials as groups in order as found. Place the container list in the box and repeat as necessary. Email the electronic versions of the container lists to Gioia Spatafora when the boxes are ready for delivery.
  6. Arrange delivery of your records to the Archives. Records can be sent in a number of ways:
    You may hand deliver your boxes to the Archives. Please contact Gioia Spatafora to arrange a time.
    Campus Mail:
    Material up to 75 lbs. may be delivered through General Services to the Archives.

                         The address of the Archives is:
                         W. Bruce Fye Center for the History of Medicine
                         Plummer 11-37 (LIB)
    Archives Pick-up:
    Subject to available resources, the Archives may be able to pick up small amounts of archival material. Please contact Gioia Spatafora for information on availability. 




Open for Self-Guided Tours:
Mon-Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm

Volunteers are present from 11:00 - 1:00

The Historical Suite is open to Mayo Clinic staff, patients and their families. It is not open to the general public.

Mon-Fri by appointment


Christopher J. Boes, M.D.
Medical Director
Phone: 507-284-6112

Renee Ziemer
History and Heritage Program Manager
Phone: 507-284-2585

Emily Christopherson
Digital Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-0272

Karen Koka
Historical Archives Librarian IV
Phone: 507-284-4054

Gioia Spatafora
Archivist and Registrar/Librarian II
Phone: 507-293-3313

Alec Thicke
Anesthesiology Project Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-3420