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W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine: Part 4: Policies and Conditions Relating to Duplication or Reproduction, and Publication

Part 4: Policies and Conditions Relating to Duplication or Reproduction, and Publication

Part 4:  Policies and Conditions Relating to Duplication or Reproduction,

and Publication of Historical Materials


Conditions Governing Duplication or Reproduction

Mayo Clinic will consider requests for the duplication or reproduction of historical materials when such duplication can be done without injury to the materials.  Duplication of Mayo historical materials must be done by the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine or authorized Mayo Clinic staff.  Mayo Clinic reserves the right to request return of photocopies and to prohibit the making of duplicate photocopies from those furnished by the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine.

Researchers may not photocopy, photograph, scan or otherwise duplicate any historical materials without permission.  Unless permission is granted, neither a copy nor the words it contains may be reproduced in any form, used by an unauthorized person, or placed in the collections of any institution or individual.  Under the Fair Use Provisions of the copyright law of the United States (17USC107), a single copy was produced from material in the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine for reference use only.

Request for duplication or reproduction of archival materials; photographs; drawings, paintings, etc.; three-dimensional art; furniture and other artifacts must be submitted to the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine.  Reproductions from the collection are normally allowed for scholarly and educational projects.  In order to protect and preserve Mayo historical holdings for future use, permission to duplicate or reproduce is granted only if the physical condition of the material or object allows.

     Conditions Governing Publication

      If you intend to obtain permission to publish the duplication or reproduction, the following conditions apply:


1.   The following credit line must be included for each work or item reproduced. Permission is granted for one-time use only: By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Courtesy of the W. Bruce Fye Center for the History of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.


2.   Reproductions of Mayo historical material must be shown in their entirety, uncropped, unless permission is granted to use a specific detail prior to publication.  A caption or other appropriate label must indicate that the reproduction or photograph is a detail of the larger work.


3.   The following are not permitted: overprinting on a reproduction, reuse of material, advertising or promotional use.


4.   Reproduction of Mayo historical material does not include a transfer of copyright. It constitutes only the permission for a one-time use of the material.


5.   The W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine reserves the right to request a review, prior to publication, of manuscripts based on and/or including materials from its collections.


6.   W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine reserves the right to request one complimentary copy of the publication.


Permission to Publish 


Permission to examine historical documents or manuscripts is not an authorization to publish them.  Researchers who plan eventual publication of their work are responsible for obtaining permission to publish from the copyright owner.  Researchers must visit with the Section of Scientific Publications regarding copyright information.  A written request for the right to publish must be submitted to the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine when the applicant’s research and writing have reached the stage where it is possible to identify the precise texts to be published.  If permission to publish is granted, the source of the cited manuscripts must be referenced in the published work by including the credit line: 


By permission of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Courtesy of the W. Bruce Fye Center for the History of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota.


Theses and dissertations are considered published works.  The W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine reserves the right to request one complimentary copy of the publication.




In giving permission to publish historical documents or manuscripts Mayo Clinic does not surrender its own right thereafter to publish the manuscript or to grant permission to others to publish it; nor does Mayo Clinic assume any responsibility for infringement of copyright or of publication rights in the manuscript held by others.  In obtaining permission to examine and publish materials, authors are NOT given the authority to transfer copyright of Mayo-owned materials.  Transfer of copyright is the exclusive right of Mayo Clinic and may not be delegated.



Christopher J. Boes, M.D.
Medical Director
Phone: 507-284-6112

Renee Ziemer
History and Heritage Program Manager
Phone: 507-284-2585

Heather Stecklein, EdD, MLS
Archives Supervisor / Librarian IV
Phone: 507-266-5185

Emily Christopherson, MLIS
Digital Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-0272

Karen Koka, MLIS
Historical Archives Librarian V
Phone: 507-284-4054

Gioia Spatafora, MLIS
Archivist and Registrar/Librarian II
Phone: 507-293-3313

Alec Thicke, MLIS
Anesthesiology Project Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-3240