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W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine: Archival Collections

Using the Collections

    The online catalog of the Mayo Clinic Archival Collections 


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Popular Collections

William James Mayo Papers
Personal and professional papers of William J. Mayo, including general biographical material, a large amount of personal and professional correspondence, published and unpublished manuscripts, reprints, newspaper clippings, photographs, and miscellaneous materials. See subgroups, series, and subseries descriptions for more details.

Charles Horace Mayo Papers
Papers relating to the life, medical career, and professional activities of Charles H. Mayo, including biographical information, personal and general correspondence, research materials and manuscripts, speeches, publications, family materials, topical files, military documents, newspaper clippings, and miscellaneous.

People Files Collection
The People Files, circa 1880-present, consist of a wide variety of informational sources relating mostly to Mayo Clinic Consulting Staff. The files contain clippings, curriculum vitae, press releases, and other materials mostly biographical in scope. New items and files are regularly added to the collection.

Subject Files Collection
Topical files related to the Clinic, 1880s-present, gathered together by staff since the Archives was organized; new items and files are regularly added. The files contain such items as originals and copies of reports, correspondence, memos, press releases, charts, maps, newspaper clippings, pamphlets, booklets, ephemera, etc.

Board of Governors (BOG) Annual Reports
Narrative and/or statistical reports of a department's/section's yearly activities to the BOG. Many of the early reports detail employee work, patient loads and abnormal situations that were handled during the previous year. Later, c.1950, reports are more statistical in nature and usually accompanied by a cover letter providing a brief narrative about the activities of the section. By the 1970s, many of the reports are strictly statistical. In 1998, a transition to Departmental reviews submitted to the Operations Coordinating Group (OCG) replaced reports to the BOG. The Archives has most annual BOG reports beginning in 1924 through the mid- to late 1980s (a few departments have more, a fewless).

Photograph/Image Collection
The images in this collection represent a broad range of topics including individuals, groups, departments, places, events, artifacts, etc., as well as a variety of media (film-based, paper, glass, digital, etc.). Many photographs are of people, both formal portraits and candid shots. Other subjects include buildings -- mostly are related to Mayo Clinic or the Mayo family in some way -- both in Rochester and outside of Rochester. Other images show artifacts, equipment, and other items used at the Clinic or exhibited at meetings.

Postcard Collection
This collection consists of postcards illustrating Rochester buildings, parks and people, as well as Mayo Clinic and hospital buildings (both exterior and interior views). Many of the postcards contain correspondence of patients or visitors to Rochester and Mayo Clinic.

Film Collection
The films include a variety of subjects, including surgeries, clinic events, home movies, travel, etc. Digitization is currently underway, to be completed within the next few years. For a list of all films, please contact Archives staff.

Other Research Sources

History Center of Olmsted County (local history, genealogy sources, biographical index)

Minnesota Historical Society (Census records, microfilm of state newspapers, genealogical sources, archival materials relating to the state, people and businesses operating within Minnesota)

Rochester Public Library (Microfilm of local newspapers, local history)


Christopher J. Boes, M.D.
Medical Director
Phone: 507-284-6112

Renee Ziemer
History and Heritage Program Manager
Phone: 507-284-2585

Heather Stecklein, EdD, MLS
Archives Supervisor / Librarian IV
Phone: 507-266-5185

Emily Christopherson, MLIS
Digital Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-0272

Karen Koka, MLIS
Historical Archives Librarian V
Phone: 507-284-4054

Gioia Spatafora, MLIS
Archivist and Registrar/Librarian II
Phone: 507-293-3313

Alec Thicke, MLIS
Anesthesiology Project Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-3240