University of Leeds sponsored database of the full text of conference papers, working papers and electronic literature which supports educational research, policy and practice
Central repository for statistical information on postgraduate medical education in Canada. CAPER maintains individual-level data for all postgraduate medical residents and fellows
GME Track® is a resident database and tracking system that was introduced in March 2000 to assist GME administrators and program directors in the collection and management of GME data.
The Medical Education Taxonomy Research Organisation is developing a thesaurus of descriptors for topics in medical education. METRO 2 is specifically about assessment terminology.
The AAMC Organizational Characteristics Database provides information on a number of salient dimensions about the organizational characteristics of medical schools and their affiliated teaching hospitals.
The SRS also has reports that provide the AAMC, constituents and other researchers with statistical information on such things as enrollment profiles, student retention patterns, and graduation rates. Custom reports are available on request.