To have your books shipped to your work location, use the request form. Please request items at least seven (7) days before your class date to allow adequate time for shipping. Please pick up your books at the library if your class is within seven days.
Tips for using the request form:
If you request your materials using the online form, you will receive a confirmation email from the Libraries when the item(s) have been shipped. Expect the items to arrive at your work location within three (3) business days (M-F) after you receive the email notification.
Please contact the Health Science Library via email if your books do not arrive within a week of confirmation, if you do not receive confirmation of shipping by two weeks prior to your class, or if you do not receive the appropriate materials. There is one text for BLS, one text for ACLS, one text for PALS, and one for NRP.
If you are unable to use the request form or need a book for a class within seven days, please come to the Health Science Library to pick up your course book. The Health Science Library is located on the third floor of the Professional Arts Building (Pa 3-65 see map). To check out a book, please fill out a self check-out slip or ask the librarian to assist. There is no need to call ahead to reserve a book.
If you do not work on the La Crosse campus and you need a book for a class within the next week, please call the Training Center (608-392-9786) or the Library (608-392-2685) to discuss delivery options.