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Nomad Article Finder Plugin for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge: Home

Explains what Nomad is and how to install and use the plugin

What is Nomad?

Libkey Nomad logoLibKey Nomad, or just Nomad, is a plugin for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers that helps you find journal article PDFs quickly and easily.  Once you install the plugin, it will scan the web pages you are reading for journal article identifiers.  When it senses that the page you are reading contains an article, it will locate a PDF copy and display a consistent, easy-to-find button for downloading the PDF. If no PDF is readily available, the Nomad button makes it easy to order the article from the library by linking to our Document Delivery tool and automatically filling in all of the correct information. Nomad does not collect any data about you or your searches, and no login or account is required. 

Nomad also integrates directly into PubMed and other databases, providing PDF download buttons and journal cover images in result lists. Nomad is currently installed by default on all Mayo Clinic PCs in both Chrome and Edge.  Follow the instructions below to install and use Nomad on your own devices. 

Installing Nomad

As of November 2021, all Mayo Clinic PCs automatically have the Nomad plugin installed in both Chome and Edge browsers. 

Follow these steps to install the Nomad plugin on your personal devices.

  1. Use these Chrome Web Store  or Microsoft Edge Add-ons store links to go to the Nomad app page for your browser. 
  2. Follow the instructions on that page to install the plugin.
  3. After the plugin installs, it will prompt you to select your institution.  Choose "Mayo Clinic Libraries" from the dropdown.

Nomad choose institution screenshot

  1. The plugin is now ready to use. You can close the window and proceed to browse normally. 




What about Kopernio/EndNote Click?

EndNote Click, formerly known as Kopernio, is a plugin that does the same thing as Nomad: it links you to articles quickly by scanning webpages for Digital Object Identifiers. Once these plugins find a DOI, they link you to the publisher’s copy of record, or another source if the publisher isn’t available.

The library has decided to standardize on Nomad over EndNote Click for several reasons:

  1. Nomad knows our library holdings and can route you to full-text more quickly.  It can also send requests to our Document Delivery system if we don’t have the item you want.
  2. Nomad offers some additional features in PubMed that EndNote Click doesn’t have: it adds journal cover images and links to issue table-of-contents and the Browzine e-journal reader.
  3. Nomad is easier to set up and doesn’t require you to create an account.

If you prefer EndNote Click over Nomad, you can continue to use it without any issues.  Try both, and see which one you like better! 

Using Nomad to Find Article PDFs

Follow these steps to use the Nomad plugin for finding articles:

  1. Search for journal articles as you normally would using PubMed, Google Scholar, or library databases.
  2. As you browse pages containing articles, Nomad will add a button to the lower left corner of your screen linking directly to PDF files.
  3. In cases where a PDF is not available, Nomad will link you directly to a full-text version of the the article for printing, or to the library's Document Delivery service for easy ordering. 
  4. Nomad also allows you to export the citation for the article you are currently viewing to your citation management software, such as EndNote. To use this feature, click the graduation cap icon in the EndNote overlay button and select the appropriate citation manager. Nomad will download a small file containing that citation, which you can then import into your citation manager. 

Nomad also adds buttons and images to search result lists within the PubMed interface:

  • Journal cover images link to Browzine, an e-journal subscription tool connected to the Mayo Clinic Libraries subscriptions.
  • "Download PDF" buttons link directly to article PDF files.
  • "Access options" buttons link to Document Delivery for article ordering.
  • "View Complete Issue" buttons link to the table of contents for that journal issue .

If you have questions about Nomad or any other library tools, contact the library at or 4-2061.