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Returning Library Items: Home

This guide lists the different alternatives to returning materials to the Mayo libraries.

How do I return library materials?

Library items can be returned to any Mayo Clinic Library.

  • Books and journals can be placed in Library Return Boxes where available. We will make sure materials are returned to the appropriate Mayo library. (Rochester Return Boxes are picked-up once a day on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays.) 
  • On the Rochester campus, you may return Items  through intraclinic mail. (Addresses can be found on our locations page.) For Florida and Arizona, please hand deliver materials to the respective libraries.
  • Items too large to fit in the Library Return Box, must be returned in person to a Library or by intraclinic mail (only in Rochester). 
  • CD/DVD/VHS items should not be placed in the Library Return Boxes.
    • These items should be returned in person to a library or by intraclinic mail (Rochester only) in a padded envelope or by using a padded material to wrap around them to prevent breakage.
    • Patrons who check out CD/DVD/VHS items from the Plummer 1439 collection should follow instructions given at the time of check-out, or call (77)6-7425 for clarification.

Leaving Mayo?
  Patrons leaving Mayo Clinic should hand deliver returns to a Mayo Library.  Using a book return could delay the clearing of library accounts needed for sign-out.
Do not leave items outside of the Library Return Boxes. Items left outside go missing and are not usually returned to the library. When this occurs the borrower will be charged the replacement fee plus a service fee.  If the return box is full, wait until it has been emptied, or use a different method of returning the item.