The Mayo Graduate School theses are shelved alphabetically by author and can be accessed by requesting them at the Library Circulation Desk on Plummer 12. Theses produced beginning in 2009 will be available online through ProQuest in the future, though will still be searchable in the Library catalog. You can approach the thesis by subject in at least three ways:
- Information in the Department
Find names of people in your department who have done work in your area and then look these names up in the library catalog.
- Keyword searching
In the library catalog use the keyword search feature, entering terms separated by "and" and include the word "thesis" at the end of the search phrase.
Example: abdominal and thesis
Returns 11 entries.
- Subject searching
In the library catalog do a subject search choosing National Library of Medicine subject headings. On the results screen mark the check box next to the subject heading and then click on "expanded display." Then visually scan the results screen look for word "thesis" in the call number.
Theses available electronically will have a "E-Thesis" link in the record.