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Florida Library: Donating Used Books

Information about the services, resources, and staff at the Mayo Clinic in Florida's Library

How do I donate books or other materials to the Library?

Gifts of traditional book, journal or manuscript resources that enhance the collections of the Mayo Libraries are appreciated and welcomed. The Library evaluates the need for all potential gifts using the criteria outline in the Mayo Medical Center Libraries Collection Management Policy . Materials offered as gifts that fall outside the collection policy are generally not accepted.  A copy of the policy may be obtained from Tara Brigham, Supervisor of the Library in Florida.

Gifts of library materials from Mayo Clinic employees and external donors are considered unrestricted by Mayo Foundation. The final disposition of any material received as a gift is made in the best interest of the Mayo Clinic Libraries and may include addition to an appropriate collection, exchange, discard, or sale.

Prospective donors are encouraged to contact the Library ( to discuss a donation before delivery of the material to Library in Florida. Generally, the donor will be asked to describe the material or supply a list. A prepared list should include the title, author, publisher, date, edition, and number of volumes or issues. Delivery of accepted materials is usually the donor's responsibility.

After Donation
If the Florida Medical Library accepts the donation, the donors understand that they forfeit any rights, responsibilities, or monies that result from Library recycling the item(s). The Florida Library will check with the Better World Books organization, which accepts donated item(s). If the item will not be accepted by the organization, then the Library has the right to discard/ recycle the item(s).

What if my donation is not accepted?
If the Florida Library does not accept the donated item(s), Mayo Clinic employees are encouraged to request a blue bin from Facilities (click here - then click on the appropriate Environmental Services request button) and place the item(s) in this bin.


Contact Us


Vincent Stabile North, Room 784N 

The Library is located in a staff-only area. Only Mayo Clinic learners and employees are allowed to use the Library's resources and space.

Email address:

Street address:
4500 San Pablo Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32224

Internal Phone:
Intraclinic mail: