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Florida Library: Returning Books & Videos

Information about the services, resources, and staff at the Mayo Clinic in Florida's Library

How do I return library materials?

How do I return library items?

Please return items to the Florida Library, seventh floor of the Stabile North Building.  There is a book drop box inside the Library; it is the table-looking structure on the right-hand side, after entering the Library. See below for visual of the location of this drop box.  The Library and this book drop are accessible 24/7, 7-days a week, as long as you have your Mayo Clinic badge ID.

Although it is not preferred due to large numbers of loss, items may also be returned via intraclinic mail to "JA_VS_07_LIB (Stabile 7th floor)."

  • Books can be placed in any Library Return Box on any Mayo campus.  We provide system-wide services and this includes returning materials to any Mayo Clinic Library locations.
  • CD/DVD/VHS items should not be placed in the Library Return Boxes. These items should be returned in person to a library or by intra-clinic mail in a padded envelope or by using a padded material to wrap around them to prevent breakage.

* Note: Items reported missing from a drop box by a borrower remain the responsibility of the borrower.

 Leaving Mayo?  Patrons leaving Mayo Clinic should hand deliver returns to a Mayo Library.  Using a book return could delay the clearing of library accounts needed for sign-out.

Contact Us


Vincent Stabile North, Room 784N 

The Library is located in a staff-only area. Only Mayo Clinic learners and employees are allowed to use the Library's resources and space.

Email address:

Street address:
4500 San Pablo Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32224

Internal Phone:
Intraclinic mail: