Mayo Authors Database Mission
The Mayo Authors Database supports the clinical, research, and educational goals and initiatives of the Mayo Clinic by creating individual and enterprise-wide bibliographies of scholarly and indexed (showing bibliographic authority, accuracy, and completeness) publications verified as authored or co-authored by Mayo Clinic employees and students.
About MayoAuthors
The Mayo Authors database is a bibliographic database with links to full-text that serves as an archival record of significant publication activity of the Mayo Clinic. The database includes publication activity from 1871 to the present. Beginning in 1997 the Mayo Authors database has included a record of publication activity of all Mayo Clinic sites.
An automated process is used to discover recent Mayo publications in a variety of online databases. Publication activity discovered through database searches and through the Library's acquisitions program (e.g. books; book chapters; conference proceedings; audiovisuals) and submissions of new material or record corrections are entered into the database which is updated bimonthly. The complete bibliography of newly appointed consulting staff is also entered in the database including any prior work done at another institution. Author names and Mayo department affiliations are validated against the latest online Mayo Quarterly Directory.
Gaps in coverage will occur as a function of the editorial guidelines of the secondary sources used to discover Mayo publications; such as MEDLINE, Web of Science, SCOPUS, CINAHL, and PsycINFO; whose editorial review boards may not approve indexing coverage for certain journals in which Mayo authors publish. An online form located on the Library's web site has been created to capture feedback from Mayo staff who notice an error or an omission in the database.
The Mayo Authors database includes significant contributions to the medical and scientific literature and related fields which can be verified as published. Unpublished oral presentations, ''forthcoming'' or ''in press'' records, and internal communications unavailable outside Mayo are not included in the database. Apart from these exceptions, the database is inclusive of most publication types: meeting abstracts; journal articles; books; book chapters; comments; editorials; substantive letters; reviews; technical reports; tributes; theses; audiovisuals; computer software; patents.
If you have published anything you'd like included in the Mayo Authors database, please go to the "Adding to Your Bibliography" tab listed above.
TIP: Truncation This search technique refers to the ability to search just a portion of a word. It allows you to find pre- and post- extensions on the word stem.
Truncation of "whole" words in the Mayo Authors Database is now available as either Pre or Post- word options. Use the wild card (*) to indicate the position where you want to extend the search
Ex: ag* finds age, agent, aging, aged
*ag* finds age, aging, aged, stage, rage, cage, triage
cancer* finds cancers, cancerous
Truncation with Boolean:
Ex end* and *cancer* retrieves end-stage cancer(s)
Basic Search/ Mayo Authors List Search
Enter singular terms or multiple terms in the search box.
Basic search searches all fields. Combine search terms with Boolean operators (and, or , not):
heart and transplantation
Smith and cancer
Browse Mayo Authors
If you are looking for a specific Mayo Author, go to the Browse Mayo Authors section at the bottom of the Basic Search Page. Select the alphabetic range, scroll down the list until you find your author. Click on the name. Your search results will display. This is the most precise way to search for a Mayo author's publications. The cumulative results provide all citations by the selected author utilizing the department and location information that is embedded in the database.
In addition to author searches in the Mayo Authors List Search, the Mayo Authors List page includes a search box. This can be used to compile a list of authors by searching for names, locations, or specialty codes.
Advanced Search
Search All Fields/Title/Subject
breast cancer
Title/subject searches the subject heading, title, and chapter title fields. Otherwise search all fields. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
Click on the author you wish to search in the left box, then click on the right arrow to move that author to the search box. Click the search button to perform the search. Multiple authors can be searched by holding down the Ctrl button while selecting authors. To remove authors you no longer wish to search, select them in the right box, and click on the left arrow.
All Authors
rogan, pk
rogan, p
The All Authors (au) Field contains all the authors in the database. Non-Mayo authors can be searched in the All Authors field.
administration of amifostine
Searches the title of any item except for book titles, journal titles, and series titles. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
Journal Name
supportive care in cancer
Journal name searches for words or phrases in the journal name field.
Search for a year or range if years. The database contains records from 1871 to the present.
Search for volume information for those items that have such information (journal article, book, book chapter, audiocassette etc.). You can use a wild card (*) to extend the numeric 2 in the example above. 2* retrieves ex) 21, 201, 240 etc.
Search for issue/part information in a journal article. Attaching a wild card (*) 1* in the example above would also find 10, 1-2, etc.
Search for page numbers. Using a wild card (*) with the example above 23* retrieves 23-4, 230-4, 1-23, etc.
Specialty Symbols and Locations
cv - rochester
ortho - jacksonville
Specialty symbols are the appointment categories assigned to each employee as listed in the Quarterly Directory, The codes match those in the Quarterly Directory with the exception of Orthopedics which is abbreviated Ortho instead of OR. Click on the Speciality Codes link to see the list of codes. It is best to include the location along with the specialty code in the exact format above to avoid extraneous results (authors with initial cv for example). Locations can be searched without the specialty code.
Book Title
total knee replacement
Search for book titles. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
smith j
The editor field contains the names of the editor(s) of the article or book. To search the editor field it is recommended to search by the editor's last name and first initial or last name only as names are entered in varying formats.
raven press
Search for publisher names. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
Unique Identifier
The Unique Identifier field contains a unique number, up to six digits long assigned by Mayo Authors, for each item in the database
Limit to Publication Types
Click on the publication type you wish to search in the left box, then click on the right arrow to move that publication type to the search box. Click the search button to perform the search. Multiple publication types can be searched by holding down the Ctrl button while selecting publication types. To remove publication types you no longer wish to search, select them in the right box, and click on the left arrow.
The Publication Type field contains the type of publication, such as article, review, or technical report. Publication types are assigned both manually and from the records retrieved from the databases used to populate the Mayo Authors database.
Limit to Location
Click on the location you wish to search in the left box, then click on the right arrow to move that location to the search box. Click the search button to perform the search. Multiple locations can be searched by holding down the Ctrl button while selecting locations. To remove locations you no longer wish to search, select them in the right box, and click on the left arrow.
Entry Week
Click on the entry week you wish to search in the left box, then click on the right arrow to move that entry week to the search box. Click the search button to perform the search. Multiple entry weeks can be searched by holding down the Ctrl button while selecting entry weeks. To remove entry weeks you no longer wish to search, select them in the right box, and click on the left arrow. Use the latest entry week to limit to the latest update.
Chapter Title
optic disks
Search for book chapter titles. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
Electronic Date of Publication
For Mayo Author records created from PubMed records the Electronic date of publication contains the date on which the item was published online. For Mayo Author records created from Medline records the Electronic date of publication contains the date on which the record was sent to the National Library of Medicine for inclusion in Medline. In both cases the format is YYYYMMDD.
Grant Information
National Institutes of Health
Grant information contains information and grant numbers pertaining to the grant the publication is funded by. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find. Partial grant numbers can be searched. Searching 45222 will retrieve P50-ARO45222.
The ISBN field contains the International Standard Book Number. The ISBN is a unique ten or thirteen-digit publisher's code assigned to a specific edition of a book prior to publication for identification purposes. The ISBN is usually printed on the verso of the book's title page. Partial ISBN numbers can be searched using a wild card (*) .
The ISSN field contains the International Standard Serial Number. The ISSN is a unique eight-digit number assigned by the International Serials Data System to identify a specific serial publication. The ISSN is usually given in the masthead of each serial publication. Partial ISSN numbers can be searched using a wild card (*).
Other ID
PMC2824021 [Available on 09/01/10]
The Other ID is a unique alpha-numeric code that contains the PubMed Central Identifier (PMCID), where the alphabetical prefix 'PMC' precedes the identifier. If the publisher has embargoed access to the full text, the date of availability in PubMed Central will be noted. Partial Other IDs can be used.
Patent Assignee
Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research
The Patent Assignee field contains the name of the person or organization to which the right to the patent has been assigned. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
Patent Country
United States
The Patent Country field contains the name of the country in which the patent was granted. Enter words or phrases that you wish to find.
Patent Number
The Patent Number field contains a unique number assigned to a patent or patent application when the patent is published. The patent is an official document issued by the United States Government, or government of another country, in response to a formal application process in which the applicant, usually the inventor, is granted exclusive rights to manufacture, use, and sell an invention for a specified number of years. The document is assigned a unique patent number by the U. S. Patent Office for future reference. A wild card (*)attached to either the beginning and/or the end of a numeric string will locate the patent citation being requested. *469* will retrieve the patent number 2005202469. The preferred way to search is to use the full numeric string.
Marked Records
Detection and hemodynamic consequences of venous air embolism: does N20 make a difference? Anesthesiology. 1992; 77: 148-152 [Article]
Contributors: Losasso, TJ. Black, S. Muzzi, DA. Michenfelder, JD. Cucchiara, RF.
Mayo Authors: Black, S Anes - Rochester. Michenfelder, JD Anes - Rochester. Cucchiara, RF Anes - Rochester.
Mayo Authors ID: 81417
To set aside citations for printing or downloading for future use, you will need to click the This function allows you to select or deselect throughout the selection process. You are in control of what you save or what you display from your retrieval.
Advanced Search: Search History
The Search History displays the list of searches executed so far. Search numbers in the Line column can be used to combine searches in the 'Combine Searches' box. The Search Command column contains a brief description of the searches. The Results column contains the number of results for each search. Click on a result number to display those results. You can delete all the searches by clicking the link, or delete individual searches by clicking the
button next to the search. If you delete a search you used as part of a later search, the latter search is still works--even though the earlier search no longer exists.
By default, the search history shows only the last five searches. To see all searches click the [+] Show Entire Search History link. To go back to showing only the last five searches click the [-] Condense Search History
Click on the icon to show a matrix of the search results organized by publication type and year of publication, useful to individual users and departments for gathering publication totals (see example below). Click on the Year in the table to reverse the order by year. These results can be directly exported to Excel or you can cut and paste them into a spreadsheet.
Click on Links (when visible)
Click on the RE-AIMS button () to view the RE-AIMS CV of the author searched (visible when a Mayo Author search's results are displayed).
Click on the Quarterly Directory button () to view the online Quarterly Directory record of the author searched (visible when a Mayo Author search's results are displayed).
Click on the Buy button () to go to the bookstore's online order form to buy the book listed in the record (visible when looking at the record of a recently published book).
Click on the Author List button () to view the list of Mayo Authors mentioned in the results of your most recent search. For large results lists, it make take several seconds to compile the list
1 or (2 and 3)
2 not 4
Combine searches from the search history with Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT.
BOOLEAN Operations
The AND operator retrieves only those records that include all of the search terms. For example, the search blood pressure and stroke retrieves results that contain the term blood pressure and the term stroke together in the same record; results are exclusive of records that do not contain both of these terms.
The OR operator retrieves records that contain any or all of the search terms. For example, the search heart attack or myocardial infarction retrieves results that contain the terms heart attack, myocardial infarction or both terms; results are all inclusive.
The NOT operator retrieves records that contain the first search term and excludes the second search term. For example, the search gall bladder not surgeryretrieves only those records that contain the term gall bladder but excludes the term surgery. In this way, you can use the NOT operator to restrict results to a specific topic.
You can limit any of the searches in the search history by entering search terms in any of the search field boxes. For example entering 1 in the Combine Searches box and smith in the All Authors box will limit search 1 to results with Smith as an author.
General Tips for Searching with the Search Field Boxes
Typing search terms in more than one search field box implies a Boolean AND between terms restricting results to those that have all terms in the record. Boolean operators AND, OR, NOT, can be used to combine terms within the search boxes where it makes logical sense to do so. For example in the All Authors search box typing smith and finnoff retrieves results where both are authors of the publication.
All fields, except for Unique Identifier, automatically truncate search terms. For example in the Title search box entering ''cancer'' would find cancer, cancers, cancerous, etc.
When you do a search and are viewing the results there is now an icon called “Author list” () above the first result on the page. It’s to the right of the statistics icon. Clicking on the Author list icon will bring up a page listing the Mayo authors in the search.
There are several things to mention about this page.
If you have done more than one search you can go to the Advanced Search page and display the results of the particular search you are interested in to get to the Author list icon.
Logging in provides the following advantages:
To save your search, enter a name for your search in the form and a description (to help you remember what the purpose was for your search). To create Auto Alerts, first save the search, which sends you periodic updates in an e-mail message thus saving you time in keeping current with your topics. Steps to create an Auto Alert -- save the search, click on Auto-Alert check box, and add your email address.
You can also select display format and the frequency of when to receive the alerts. (Caution: do not use Auto-Alert on searches limited to latest update --especially for monthly and quarterly alerts)
As you browse the results of your search, you will see an Output Manager. You can choose to display the results, save the results to your computer as a file, or send the results to your e-mail address. You can choose to output the records in the Brief Record display (which is how the results are shown), or in the Full Record display. If you plan to import the results into End Note, use the Full Record display. The filter to use for EndNote is Reference Manager (RIS). Otherwise, you can download the customized MADB_RIS filter.