Anatomical models are only for use on the campus of their home library.
Models are located at the Learning Resource Center in Rochester (RO LRC), the Learning Resource Center in Scottsdale (SC LRC), and the Venables Health Science Library in Rochester (RO Venables). Please contact these libraries directly for help.
To view models for additional systems select the system of interest from the tabs on this page or return to the Anatomical Models Home Page.
Location: RO Venables, Call #: MD160
Location: RO LRC, Call#: MD104
Location: RO Venables, Call #: MD99
Location: RO LRC, Call #: MD112
Location: RO LRC, Call #: MD7 Location: RO Venables, Call #: MD7
Location: RO LRC, Call #: MD103
Location: RO Venables, Call #: MD141
Location: RO Venables, Call #: MD156
Location: RO Venables, Call #: MD96