Maximize Your Author Impact: ORCID

Increase the impact of your publications. Tips on how to promote your research and profile as a researcher and author.

Register and Claim Your Work!

ORCID, short for Open Researcher and Contributor ID, provides a persistent digital identifier that helps researchers and scholars to distinguish their research activities from those of others with similar names. 

Find out more information about ORCID here.


Having an ORCID gives you the following benefits:

  • Accurate author identification
  • Online user profile
  • Publication list
  • User privacy controls
  • Well supported by many publishers: some publishers are passing ORCID iDs through the entire publication process

Additionally, ORCID is an open, non-profit and community-driven effort. Its registry offers an open and transparent linking mechanism between ORCID and other current researcher ID schemes.


ORCID has the following limitations:

  • No citation metrics available
  • Generally does not recognize duplicate publication records well at the moment


Check out the ORCID blog for all ORCID news and latest developments.

How do I get started with ORCID?

Once you have an ORCID

Use your ORCID ID!

Include your ORCID identifier on:

  • your webpage
  • when you submit publications
  • apply for grants
  • in any research workflow to ensure you get credit for your work

It is a good idea to link it to other identifiers such as Web of Science Researcher Profiles (ResearcherID) and Scopus Author Profile. For example, when you submit a manuscript for publication with your ORCID attached to it and the paper gets published in a journal that is indexed in Web of Science or Scopus, the paper gets automatically added to your ResearcherID or Scopus Author Profile.

Tips for working with ORCID

There are four ways to add works to your ORCID record yourself:

  1. Add works by direct import from other systems to import links to your publications and other works to your ORCID record from other databases. This is the recommended process because it reduces or eliminates errors, and enables a reliable connection between your ORCID iD and your works
  2. Add works using an identifier
  3. Importing works from a BibTeX file
  4. Add works manually

Contact your local Librarian for further advice.

Other IDs

ORCID integrates with Web of Science Researcher Profiles (ResearcherID).

You can exchange data between ORCID and ResearcherID, including your profile information and your publication list.

ORCID integrates with Scopus Author ID.

You can import publications associated with your Scopus Author ID.

ORCID integrates with SciENcv.

ORCID account holders who have linked their accounts to NCBI can populate their SciENcv profiles with the information stored in their ORCID accounts.