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Saint Marys Staff Library: FAQ

Information about location, staff, and services at the Saint Marys Staff Library

Library Services FAQs

  • How long can I check out books?

Print books/journals and CDs/DVDs may be checked out for a 6-week loan period with the option for an additional 6-week renewal if there are no other hold requests.

You may renew your books online with a library pin or via email to if the book has not been requested. 

Contact the service desk to set up a library pin.

  • How do I request a book or article?

All Mayo staff may use Document Delivery to receive copies of journal articles, books and book chapters.  This includes materials that the library does not own through Interlibrary Loan with other institutions.

  • How do I apply for a library card?

The library staff at the service desk can assist with setting up a library account.

The barcode on the back of your Mayo Clinic badge will become your library card number.

  • How long can I keep my book?

Check out period for books is 6 weeks with one renewal if there are no holds

Check out period for Libby E-books and Audiobooks is 3 weeks.  Libby allows 5 holds and 5 checkouts per patron.

  • Where do I find Cardiac Life Support Materials?

BLS, ACLS and PALS are now provided as ebooks via My Learning from Cardiac Life Support Education.

If you would like a print copy, the Saint Marys Staff Library has PEARS, PALS, BLS, ACLS, NRP and ITLS available.

Emergency Life Support Education materials may be checked out for 42 days. 

SMH Heartcode Skills location:  Alfred 3_469, Room A or B

Click here for On-Site testing locations.

  • Does the Mayo Clinic Libraries have a code of conduct policy?

The Mayo Clinic Library Advisory Committee recently endorsed a new Code of Conduct for all visitors and staff of the Mayo Clinic Libraries and Historical Units.  This code will provide equal security, rights and privileges for all users, and supports a professional and safe learning environment. It also outlines acceptable use of physical spaces and materials, and ensures that everyone can access the resources, services, and spaces of the Libraries & Historical Units.  Questions about the Code of Conduct can be addressed to

SMH Staff Library FAQs

  • What are the Saint Marys library hours?

Mon-Thurs   7:30am - 8:00pm
Friday          7:30am - 4:30pm
Saturday      1:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday        Closed

24 x 7 keycard access may be requested for staff based at Saint Marys with a supervisor’s approval.

  • How can I return my books? 

· At the library service desk

· In the book return box outside Marian Hall 1-505

· At book return boxes throughout the hospital and elsewhere on the Rochester campus.  A complete list of Rochester book drop boxes is posted on the book return subject guide.  Book drops are monitored on a weekly basis so returns may be delayed.

· At other Mayo Clinic libraries

· Using intraclinic mail if library items are securely packaged and addressed to the Saint Marys Staff Library - Marian Hall 1-506

  •       Where are the book drop locations on Saint Marys Campus?

· Patient Parking Ramp Main Floor near elevators

· Generose Main Floor near Atrium

· East/Nasseff Tower Main Floor near restrooms

· Domitilla Main Floor near Employee Shuttle Entrance

· Wall receptacle Main Floor new West Entrance

A complete list of Rochester book drop boxes is posted on the book return subject guide.

  • Can I access the Saint Marys Staff Library after hours?

If you're an employee based at Saint Marys and have a valid need for ongoing use of the library space in the evenings and/or on weekends, please inquire about after-hours access.  Your supervisor may submit a request on your behalf.

  • Can I leave my personal things in the library while I attend to another obligation?

We encourage you to take advantage of the lockers located in front of the service desk to securely store your personal items if you need to leave the library but plan to return later.  Library staff are not responsible for your personal items.

  • Do you provide pager batteries?

The library does not provide pager batteries.  Please contact your department for battery replacement.

  • What is your food and drink policy?

We ask that you do not bring meals into the library.  There is a breakroom directly down the hallway from the library with seating, vending, and microwave for your use.  Covered drinks and snacks are allowed in the library.  

  • What is your visitor policy?

You must have a Mayo Clinic badge to access the Saint Marys Staff Library.

Technology FAQs

  • Do you have computers available?

Desktop computers are available on site first come, first serve.  There are also laptops available to checkout within the library and study room spaces only.

  • Do you have printers?

Two printer/scanner/fax machines are available at no charge for work-related purposes.  They are located behind the service desk.

  • Do you have color printing?
  • The SMH Staff Library does not provide color printing.
  • Local options include the Rochester Public Library and Office Max.  Prices for 2023 Self-Serve printing at Office Max: color copies for 65 cents and black/white for 17 cents.  Click the RPL link for additional information, including pricing.
  • The UPS store also has color printing options:


  • How do I map/route to the printers?

All computers within the library are mapped to the one of the two available printers behind the service desk.

When you select print, choose MayoGreenPrint_HP_Universal.  To access your document, scan your badge at either printer.

  • Where can I find help regarding EndNote?

EndNote's customer support offers a list of common questions and options for requesting additional assistance including chat, email, and phone.

For more information consult the EndNote subject guide.

  • Do you provide headphones?

Both regular headphones and headphones with mics are available at the service desk.

Study Room FAQs

  • How do I request a study room?

There are three study rooms adjacent to the Saint Marys Staff Library in Marian Hall.  To reserve a room you may e-mail the library at, call 255-5647 during business hours, or use the online reservation system.

Wireless keyboards are available to borrow for study rooms A & B upon request.


Drop in locations and conference rooms not affiliated with the SMH Staff library are available for reservation.  The Room Reservation System will be transitioning to Outlook reservations in 2024.

  • Search the Enterprise Location Management System (ELMS) to determine if the conference room you are interested in should be reserved in the former room reservation system or Outlook.  The ELMS will identify the technology available in each space.
  • Click here for instructions to assist in booking a room in Outlook.
  • For additional information regarding the transition to Outlook, see this New Center article.  


SMH Campus and General FAQs

  • Are there meditation or prayer rooms available on SMH campus?

Campus wide locations for Chapels, worship, and meditation spaces can be found at this link.

The Groves Foundation Meditation Room is located in the Mary Brigh Building, 7th Floor.  This is available 24 hours a day for people of all faith traditions.  This area, which faces east, is designed for quiet time, prayer, and meditation.  There are two private rooms available, each equipped with prayer rugs.

  • Are Lactation Rooms available in Marian Hall?

Lactation Resources, phone numbers, and the Lactation Policy are available on the HR Benefits site.  Private Lactation Rooms are available in Marian Hall on the 4th floor: Rooms 4-500A, 4-500B and 4-500C.  The lactation rooms in Marian Hall can be reserved through Outlook or the electronic pad outside the room.  Additional Lactation rooms can be found on the Employee/Learner Lactation website.  The website provides information for all Mayo Clinic locations, providing additional lactation information and resources.  

  • What are suggested steps and resources to help with the transition to retirement or leaving Mayo Clinic?

Once you leave Mayo Clinic, you will no longer have access to the Mayo Clinic libraries.  The attached link has suggestions to help with this process.

  • How do I manage my Nursing Contact Hours?

Access My Learning to view internally provided nursing contact hour programs.

Contact Hour Sources for Nursing provides some additional resources for nurse continuing education credits.

  • Does the library provide notary services?

The library does not provide notary services.

SMH Campus locations include the business office and the Mayo Credit Union for Mayo Credit Union members only.


Off Campus FAQs

  • Are there local options for proctoring services?

In Rochester, proctoring services are available to students enrolled at the University of Minnesota Rochester (UMR).  There is a charge for non-UMR students.  

For more information, contact Mary Beth Sancomb-Moran or call the UMR Library at 507-258-8035.

  • Do I have access to library electronic holdings and databases off-campus?

The library website ( is available remotely to all Mayo Clinic employees and students. 
Log in with your Mayo Clinic LAN ID and password.