FL Library Orientation: Conference Abstracts

An orientation guide.

Searching and finding conference abstract citation information

Published abstracts should be included on your RE-AIMS CV, but sometimes it is difficult to find the published abstract citations. See below for some options for finding published conference abstract or poster abstract citation information.

Databases with Published Abstracts

Additional Resources with Published Abstracts

Consider searching Google Scholar to find published conference abstract citation information. Furthermore, it would likely be beneficial to establish a Google Scholar profile.

You might also find conference abstract citation information on the conference website of the Association, Organization or Society which hosted the conference. 

Example: Embase Database

STEP 1: In the search section, select "Title" and uncheck the box that says "Map Term to Subject Heading". Then copy and paste the title of the abstract into the Embase Database search bar. Click "Search“. 



STEP 2: The top image shows that the search found one result and when you scroll down, you can see the citation information of the published conference abstract (seen in the bottom image). This process is similar to how you would do it in the Web of Science database as well.