
Using EndNote--Mayo Clinic's licensed bibliographic database manager

Find Full Text Incompatability

Please note Find Full Text is not compatible with the following providers:

  • OpenAthens
  • Wiley*
  • ScienceDirect*

* Due to security features implemented by these providers, EndNote is not able to download and attach the PDF automatically, however, it may be able to add a URL to the library reference. If so, this link may bring you to a page where you can download the PDF manually to attach to your library.
EndNote: Optimizing Find Full Text results (clarivate.com)

PDFs and Full Text

  1. In EndNote, go to Edit > Preferences.

2. In Preferences, click on "Find Full Text" and check all the boxes. In the OpenURL path field, type in http://sfxhosted.exlibrisgroup.com/mayo.


If you are planning on using EndNote off campus, in the Authenticate field type in: http://mclibrary.idm.oclc.org/login.

In your EndNote library, highlight the references you want the full text for.

Click the "Find Full Text"   button, highlighted on the right. -OR- Right click on the highlighted references and choose the option "Find Full Text" in the list of options.

Wait for your PDF files to download. It may take a long time for all of them to download.

NOTE: Some publishers do not allow automated download of their articles.  You can still manually download and attach these PDFs to your library.


In the left panel, EndNote will indicate which articles found the full-text as a PDF, as web link or was unable to find any full-text.

In the main panel, the full-text notification is identified as a paperclip.


Import PDF files to create new references: 

This feature allows you to convert existing collections of PDF files into EndNote references with minimal typing and copying by extracting Digital Object identifiers (DOI) from PDF files. The system matches DOI information with data available from CrossRef (www.CrossRef.org) by capturing bibliographic content and creating new EndNote references.

To import a PDF file:

  1. Open the library into which you want to import the references.

  2. From the File menu, select Import > File to open the Import File dialog.

  3. Click the Choose button to locate and open the file you want to import from your hard drive.

  4. Select the needed PDF file, and then click Open.

  5. Select PDF from the Import Option list.

  6. Select an option from the Duplicates list:

  • Import All: Imports all references, including duplicates.

  • Discard Duplicates: Imports all references except duplicates.

  • Import into Duplicates Library: Duplicate references are imported into a library called File-Dupl.enl, where ”File" is the name of the library into which you are importing.

By default, a reference is considered a duplicate when the Author, Year, Title, and Reference Type match a reference already in the library. See Duplicate Preferences (EndNote & Systematic Reviews) if you would like to change the duplicates criteria.

  1. Select a Text Translation option. The default value is No Translation.

    This option allows you to specify the text character encoding of the file you import, so that extended characters transfer correctly. You should verify the setting with your database provider. Some U.S. databases that contain extended characters require ANSI-Latin1 or UTF8. MARC format files may require ANSEL translation. You might be able to use No Translation for text files that do not contain any extended characters.

  2. Click Import to import the file to your library.

Importing PDF folders to create new references:

This feature allows you to convert existing collections of PDF files into EndNote records with minimal typing and copying by extracting Digital Object identifiers (DOI) from PDF files. The system matches DOI information with data available from CrossRef (www.CrossRef.org) by capturing bibliographic content and creating new EndNote records.

To import a PDF folder with PDF files:

  1. Open the EndNote library into which you want to import the references.

  2. From the File menu, select Import > Folder to open the Import Folder dialog.

  3. Click the Choose button to open the Browse for Folder dialog.

  4. Select the needed PDF folder, and then click OK.

  5. If the selected folder lists subfolders, click the "Include files in subfolders" check box to include PDF files in those sub-folders in the import operation.

  6. Select the PDF option from the Import Option list.

  7. Select an option from the Duplicates list:

  • Import All: Imports all references, including duplicates.
  • Discard Duplicates: Imports all references except duplicates.

  • Import into Duplicates Library: Duplicate references are imported into a library called File-Dupl.enl, where ”File" is the name of the library into which you are importing.

By default, a reference is considered a duplicate when the Author, Year, Title, and Reference Type match a reference already in the library. See Duplicate Preferences if you would like to change the duplicates criteria.

  1. Click the Import button to import the PDF files from the selected folder to your library.