
Using EndNote--Mayo Clinic's licensed bibliographic database manager

From Library Databases

1. In Ovid, select the citations you want to import.

2. Click on the 'Export' link.

3. In the pop-up window, choose 'EndNote' from the drop-down options.
4. Then choose the fields you would like export. Typically, 'Complete Reference' is chosen.

5. Select or deselect the options related to hyperlinks included in the export. The option 'Link to External Resolver' provides a link to access the full-text of the article, if it is available through the Library's subscriptions. The option 'URL' provides a link to the Ovid citation.

6. Click on the 'Export' button. The citations will import directly into whichever EndNote library you have open.

Go to PubMed and perform your search.

1. Select the needed records.

2. Click the 'Send to' button.

3. Select 'Citation Manager' option.

4. Ensure your export selection is correct.

5. Click 'Create File' to export your selected records directly to EndNote. (Your EndNote library needs to be open.)
6. If the import into EndNote does not automatically happen, check to see if the exported file is a the bottom of the internet window. (This sometimes happens in Chrome.)

1. Select the citations you want to import into your EndNote library.

2. Click on the word 'Export' in the grey bar at the top.

3. Choose the 'RIS Export' option.

4. Choose the information you want to export.

5. Then click on Export.

1. In Web of Science, mark the citations you want to import.

2. Click on the word 'Export' in the grey bar at the top.

3. Choose into which EndNote platform you want to import the citations-- either EN desktop or EN online.

4. Ensure the correct number of citations are being exported.

5. Choose which content you want to import. Typically either the 'Author, Title, Source, Abstract' or 'Full Record' options are chosen. Keep in mind that "Full Record" does not include the full-text article.

6. Click 'Export', and the data will be imported directly into whichever EndNote library you have open.

Google Scholar:

  1. Go to Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/)
  2. Click on the three bars icon at the top left-hand side of the webpage
  3. Choose "Settings"
  4. In Bibliography manager, click the button for Show links to import citations, and select EndNote from the drop-down list. Click Save.
  5. The Google Scholar search box is displayed. Perform a search.
  6. Each item in the results list now includes an Import into EndNote link. Click the link to create a file for that item, then:
    • in Chrome, click the resulting downloaded file
    • in Internet Explorer, click Open
    • in FireFox, choose Open with “ResearchSoft Direct Export Helper” and click OK
  7. This will activate your EndNote software and import the record into your library. Otherwise you will be asked to specify the target library

Exporting Group of Citations from Google Scholar:

If you have searched in Google Scholar and found a number of citations you would like to download, you can do so by saving items to your personal "Library" of citations and download them individually or in a batch.
Please note: You will need to be logged in to a Gmail account. Also, by default, this will allow you to download 10 citations at a time. To download more, navigate to the Settings in Google Scholar to set the display to 20 items. (20 items is the maximum number.)
1. Click on the star just below citations you'd like to save to add the item to "My Library". Repeat as desired.


2. Use the "My Library" link to see your saved citations.


3. Click on the Export/Download button to download the selected citations.


4. Select the format that you'd like to download from the list.


You can then import the file to your citation manager or other analysis tool.