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Supportive Care Strategies: Optimizing Transplant Care by Laura Finn; Alva R. Roche Green, 2020
This book provides up-to-date, clinically relevant information on a range of complex issues relating to supportive care strategies for the recipients of hematopoietic cell transplantation. The topics addressed include the prevention, recognition, and treatment of transplant-related side effects; management of pretransplant comorbidities; supportive care for specific age groups; quality of life issues in patients who experience graft-versus-host disease; mental and spiritual health care; caregiver and healthcare provider support strategies; and important issues related to end of life care. The aim is to supply hematologists, oncologists, transplant specialists, and palliative care physicians with practical knowledge that can be immediately applied in patient care to optimize transplant-related outcomes. The book's format, which offers concise, non-exhaustive coverage of these and other unique topics, is supplemented by a wealth of working tables, algorithms, and figures, ensuring that it will also serve hematology, oncology and transplant trainees as a reliable companion during their daily work. The authors are world-renowned experts in the field of hematopoietic transplantation and palliative care medicine, and present well-reasoned opinions based on their own experiences and draw attention to relevant results from potentially high-impact clinical trial
ISBN: 9783319590141
Transplant Psychiatry: A Case-Based Approach to Clinical Challenges by Paula C. Zimbream; Yelizavata Sher; Catherine Crone et al, 2022
This book addresses the challenges clinicians face when working with patients facing complicated medical diagnosis for which transplantation is considered. Written by experts in transplant psychiatry, each chapter approaches a common psychiatric challenge faced by transplant candidates and recipients. Chapters meticulously share clinical expertise that provides a framework for future discussions without neglecting the fact that each transplant patient is unique in the complexity of their medical diagnosis. Additionally, the book examines complex issues including transplant-related posttraumatic stress disorder, post-transplant cognitive impairment, the collaboration between mental health and transplant clinicians, substance use and a wide range of other complicated topics.Transplant Psychiatry is an excellent case-based guide to mental healthcare delivery for all clinicians who may workwith transplant patients, including psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health professionals, transplant surgeons, internal medicine specialists, hematologists, transplant social workers and transplant coordinators.
ISBN: 9783031150524