AskMayoExpertThis link opens in a new windowAskMayoExpert captures Mayo-vetted expert knowledge and delivers it at the point of care. This application is aimed at becoming a highly credible knowledge source for the non-specialist and a tool to facilitate interaction between Mayo clinicians.
Mayo FormularyThis link opens in a new windowList of drugs approved for use at Mayo Clinic based upon safety, efficacy, and financial impact.
Mayo Clinic Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy Quick GuideWe designed this electronic handbook to serve as a simplified, quick reference guide for the busy day-to-day office and hospital clinical practice. This guide provides updated information about antimicrobial agents and select infectious disease syndromes in a format that is readily accessible and easily applicable to the clinical environment.
AJCC Cancer Staging System - Version 9 (2024)The American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) made an important change to how it updates and releases Cancer Staging content. The AJCC shifted from a Cancer Staging Manual to a Cancer Staging System and moved away from Editions to Versions. Updated Version 9 disease sites go into effect on January 1 following their release.
AJCC Protocol for Cancer Staging Documentation, Version 9
The new AJCC Protocol Version 9 content is presented in a streamlined, easy-to-use format including synoptic staging report format, tables, explanatory notes, and illustrations. All disease sites in the 8th Edition Cancer Staging Manual remain current until replaced with Version 9.
This manual was prepared and published through the support of the American College of Surgeons, the American Cancer Society, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, the College of American Pathologists, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the ACS, whether the whole or the part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitations, broadcasting, reproduction on any physical or digital media, transmission or storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by any similar or dissimilar technology known now or in the future.
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this content does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
ACS and the authors of this content are safe to assume that the advice and information in this content are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the ACS nor any authors or editors give a warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made.
AJCC Cancer Staging Manual – 8th Ed. (2017)
Users who require access to the original AJCC Cancer Staging Manual – 8th Ed. (2017) may view it here. The 8th edition manual is provided in its entirety as a reference and should not be used in developing new treatment plans.
All current staging protocols are provided within the Version 9 AJCC Cancer Staging System.
AccessAnesthesiologyThis link opens in a new windowAnesthesiology reference tool including online textbooks, procedural videos, practice guidelines, and self-assessment examinations.
AccessMedicineThis link opens in a new windowReference tool containing online textbooks, images & illustrations, case files, diagnostic tools, and self-assessment examinations.
AccessPediatricsThis link opens in a new windowComprehensive Pediatric resource containing key textbooks, case files, study tools and videos.
AccessSurgeryThis link opens in a new windowContains surgery textbooks, case studies, board reviews, images and procedure videos.
ClinicalKeyThis link opens in a new windowClinical medicine resource which includes thousands of Elsevier electronic books and journals, practice guidelines, videos of procedures, images, and more.
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UpToDateThis link opens in a new windowUpToDate, an electronic clinical resource tool for physicians and patients that provides information on Adult Primary Care and Internal Medicine, Allergy and Immunology, and more …
ClinicalKeyInteractive tools to support treatment, diagnosis, and screening
GuidelineCentralOver 100 free commonly used clinical formulas and calculator tools to help diagnose, treat,
prevent, and determine prognosis of patients at point of care.
CenterWatch: Clinical Trials Listing ServiceThis link opens in a new windowDesigned to be a resource for both patients interested in participating in clinical trials and for research professionals.
Clinical Trials ListingThis link opens in a new windowProvides regularly updated information about federally and privately supported clinical trials. Provides information about a trial's purpose, who may participate, locations, and phone numbers for more details.
Complications in Kidney Transplantation: A Case-Based Guide to Management by Fahad Aziz; Sandesh Parajuli, 2022This textbook of clinical cases moves beyond the science of transplant medicine and covers important transplant nephrology concepts. This book covers the diagnosis and treatment of many typical and atypical immunological and infectious post-transplant complications, such as acute antibody-medicated rejection in early and late post-transplant period, post-transplant cytomegalovirus infections, congestive heart failure after kidney transplant, and many other typical and atypical post-transplant infections.In each chapter, a case scenario is given for important post-transplant complications. The scenario is followed by a question and answer on the best investigation, the diagnosis, and a discussion of the best treatment option and outcomes. This stepwise learning process makes this book uniquely helpful to trainees learning how to treat their complicated transplant recipients systematically. This book is an accurate and straightforward guide to assist future and current transplant physicians, as well as the primary care physicians who deal with these complicated patients every day.
ISBN: 9783031135699
Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review by Jawad Ahmad; Shahid M. Malik, 2023Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology Board Review Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology: Board Review with Multiple Choice Questions is the only source you will need to pass the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) transplant hepatology examination. Written by two highly experienced hepatologists, this indispensable study guide covers all the main topics tested on the exam: pre-transplant, perioperative, post-transplant, and transplant immunology. 261 multiple-choice questions with answers, including questions based on the authors' real-life cases, are designed to mimic the clinical scenarios you will encounter in hepatology practice. Questions testing your medical knowledge, clinical insight, and management skills are supported by brief topic overviews, key references, high-quality images, pathology slides, and cholangiograms. Throughout the book, "Pearls" and "Must-Know Facts" sections emphasize testable points that are likely to appear on the ABIM board examination. The first hepatology-specific study aid of its kind, Hepatology and Transplant Hepatology: Board Review with Multiple Choice Questions is a must-have for medical professionals preparing for the hepatology boards, as well as practicing gastroenterologists and hepatologists who want to refresh their knowledge and test their proficiency in both fundamental and advanced hepatology topics.
ISBN: 9781119853527
Publication Date: 2023-01-18
Schwartz's Principles of Surgery ABSITE and Board Review, 11th Edition by Timothy R. Billiar; Karen J. Brasel; Lisa Dresner et al, 2023The premier exam-prep guide for surgery--with 800+ board-style practice questions with detailed answers and rationales Based on general surgery's cornerstone text, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery, this unmatched study guide provides everything they need to ace your exams--whether you're a resident or a practicing surgeon seeking recertification. Developed by the top minds in modern surgery, Schwartz's Principles of Surgery ABSITE and Board Review, 11th Edition delivers the most current, authoritative perspectives on surgical practice. Each practice question is accompanied by answers and comprehension-building rationales, ensuring complete understanding of the material. Answers are keyed to the latest edition of Schwartz's Principles of Surgery providing only the studying only relevant, applicable material from the most authoritative source possible. Features *300 photos and illustrations *Updated chapters--all aligned with the latest American Board of Surgery Qualifying Board Examination blueprint *Questions reflect those most likely to appear on the American Board of Surgery in-training exam and the surgery board exam *Excellent prep for both written and oral boards
Core eBooks
Kidney Transplantation: Principles and Practice, Ninth Edition by Stuart J. Knechtle;Lorna P. Marson, 2026Professors Lorna P. Marson and Stuart J. Knechtle, at the request of Peter Morris, have served as editors for the eighth and ninth editions and Knechtle since the sixth edition. Professor Morris encouraged us to choose associate editors for the ninth edition, one from the United Kingdom and one from the United States. It was always his vision to have a balance between the US- and the larger English-speaking world. Therefore Drs. Jayme Locke and Rommel Ravanan have joined our editorial leadership as associate editors, adding to the rich perspectives of the textbook.
In keeping with the tradition of previous editions to address new knowledge, we have added chapters on xenotransplantation and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic, given the wealth of new information in these areas that deserve full discussion. All chapters have been updated with new references and content. While we miss Professor Morris’s thoughtful input, we have sought to continue his goal of driving clinical practice improvements in transplantation based on objective data and ethical considerations. Given the diverse cultures in which organ transplantation is practiced, we have included discussion of a variety of approaches to organ allocation and donor selection with the understanding that values vary between countries and cultures, but the commitment to preserving the dignity and freedom of choice of organ donors and their families remains foundational. We anticipate that this ninth edition of the textbook founded by Professor Peter Morris will inspire further innovation and improvements that benefit patient care.
ISBN: 9780443113291
Liver Transplantation: Operative Techniques and Medical Management by Ernesto P. Molmenti; Martin de Santibañes; Eduardo de Santibañes, 2021A concise, illustrated guide to the operative techniques and medical management of liver transplantation Filled with more than 1,000 images, illustrations, and bulleted text, this invaluable book provides a highly visual approach to liver transplantations for surgeons, gastroenterologists, hepatologists, and other healthcare professionals who treat patients with acute and chronic liver failure that requires full or partial transplantation.;You'll find coverage of all the topics relevant to liver transplantation, including ethics, complications, live and deceased donor evaluation, pharmacology, and anesthesia. This book will serve as a guide to residents, fellows, and senior physicians. It is easy to read, simple, and practical; FEATURES. Over 1,000 high quality images and illustrations Ethical considerations of organ transplantation Essentials of liver disease Pre- and post-operative patient management Donor considerations Quality of life issues Operative techniques Pathology and imaging, and more
Living Donor Organ Transplantation, 2nd ed. by Rainer W. G. Gruessner; Enrico Benedetti, 2024Living Organ Donor Transplantation, Second Edition puts the entire discipline in perspective while guiding readers step-by-step through the most common organ transplant surgeries. Organized into four cohesive parts and featuring numerous surgical illustrations, this sourcebook delivers an incisive look at every key consideration for general surgeons who perform transplantations, from patient selection to recipient workup and outcomes, and emphasizes the most humanitarian approaches. Sections provide content on living donor uterus transplantation, new operative techniques, including the use of robotic and minimally invasive transplant procedures, new immunosuppressive regimens, new protocols of tolerance induction including stem cell therapy and transplantation, and much more.Chapter authors are international leaders in their fields and represent institutions from four continents (Americas: USA, Argentina, Brazil, Canada; Europe: France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, UK; Asia: China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan; Australia). Provides an A-Z, operation-oriented guide to the field of living donor organ transplantation Examines a wide spectrum of solid organ transplantation procedures (liver, pancreas, kidney, intestine), with accompanying chapters on the history of the procedure, the donor, the recipient, and cost analysis Covers techniques that explain adequate pretransplant workup and posttransplant care Covers cultural differences, ethical and legal issues, social issues, current financial incentives, and the illegal organ trade
ISBN: 9780443235726
Publication Date: 2024-01-22
The Living Organ Donor as Patient: Theory and Practice by Lanie Friedman Ross; J. Richard Thistlethwaite, Jr., 2022When Joseph Murray performed the first successful living kidney donor transplant in 1954, he thought this would be a temporary stopgap. Today, we are no closer to the goal of adequate organ supply without living donors--if anything, the supply-demand ratio is worse. While most research on the ethics of organ transplantation focuses on how to allocate organs as a scarce medical resource, the ethical treatment of organ donors themselves has been relatively neglected. In The Living Organ Donor as Patient: Theory and Practice, Lainie Friedman Ross and J. Richard Thistlethwaite, Jr. argue that living donor organ transplantation can be ethical provided that we treat living solid organ donors as patients in their own right. Ross and Thistlethwaite develop a five-principle framework to examine some of the attempts to increase living donation. It uses the three principles of the Belmont Report: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice modified to organ transplantation, as well as the principles of vulnerability and special relationships creating special obligations. Their approach requires that the transplant community fully embrace current and prospective living organ donors as patients to whom we have special obligations. Only when living organ donors are regarded as patients in their own right and have a living donor advocate team dedicated to their well-being can the moral limits of living solid organ donation be realized and living donors be given the full respect and care they deserve.
Manual of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies by Qaiser Bashir; Elizabeth J. Shpall; Richard E. Champlin, 2024Led by authors from MD Anderson's Stem Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapy Department, the world's largest and highly respected program at the forefront of rapidly advancing treatments in the field, Manual of Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation and Cellular Therapies is a comprehensive, focused reference covering the latest clinical developments and applications of stem cell transplant and cellular therapies for hematologic malignancies and solid tumors. This cutting-edge title, with a majority contribution from the MD Anderson Cancer Center and leading faculty from other academic institutions, covers breakthrough cell-based therapies for various diseases including lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, and select solid tumor and autoimmune diseases. This unique, definitive resource is essential for hematologists, fellows in hematology and immunotherapy, mid-level providers, pharmacists, and oncologists who refer patients for cell-based therapies. Addresses hematologic conditions including leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. Offers guidance on hematopoietic cell transplantation for solid tumors. Covers basic science principles, clinical aspects, pharmacology, radiation therapy, and disease-specific guidelines, including prevention and management of complications. Discusses key topics such as hematopoietic cell collection, bone marrow harvesting, umbilical cord blood transplantation, CAR T-cell therapy, and patient/donor selection and preparation of HCT. Features extensive summary boxes, bulleted content, and algorithms throughout for quick and easy reference. Offers team-based, clinically-focused coverage from world-renowned leaders in the field. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Molmenti's Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation: Operative Techniques and Medical Management by Ernesto P. Molmenti, 2023With 600 photos and illustrations--this highly visual, concise guide provides everything you need to know about transplanting the kidney and pancreas The kidney is are the most commonly transplanted organ, and the liver is the second most-common (80% of pancreas transplantations are done in combination with kidneys). Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation provides a concise, visual approach to learning through hundreds of high-quality operative images and bulleted text--everything you need to successfully perform operations on and medically manage these vital organs. It covers every relevant topic, including ethics, complications, live and deceased donor evaluation, pharmacology, and anesthesia. Each chapter provides an overview of the essentials of kidney disease, pre- and post-operative patient management, operative techniques, pathology, and imaging.
Organ Repair and Regeneration: Preserving Organs in the Regenerative Medicine Era by Giuseppe Orlando; Shaf Keshavjee, 2021Organ Repair and Regeneration: Preserving Organs in the Regenerative Medicine Era encompasses updates on all organs, from the kidneys, to the lungs, liver, pancreas, intestines, and beyond. Chapters cover the pathophysiology of ischemia-reperfusion, repairing organs with MSC, repairing cardiac allografts in situ, and much more. The book conceptualizes the idea that the modern approach to organ preservation is ante literam, a form of organ repair and regeneration which, per se, is referred to as a field of health sciences under the umbrella of regenerative medicine. This book demonstrates the merging of regenerative medicine and organ transplantation.
ISBN: 9780128194515
Publication Date: 2021-01-15
Principles and Practice of Transplant Infectious Diseases by Amar Safdar, 2019This comprehensive volume provides a platform from which both major and minor infectious diseases related issues are addressed in-depth among this highly susceptible population. The book begins with an overview of infections in various modalities. This is followed by chapters on clinical disorders, etiologic agents, therapeutics, and infection prevention. Chapters include easy-to-follow figures and tables, radiologic images, and pictorial demonstrations of various disease states to familiarize and reacquaint the transplant clinicians and surgeons in practice and training, and those belonging to subspecialties providing supportive care for these patients. Discussions to enumerate the noninfectious causes that mimic infectious diseases; clinical relevance and effective utility of existing and emerging diagnostic tools are presented throughout the book. Authored by leaders in their fields, this book is the go-to reference for management of patients undergoing hematopoietic and solid organ transplantation.
Publication Date: 2019-07-12
Principles of Regenerative Medicine, 3d ed. by Anthony Atala; Robert Lanza; Tony Mikoset al, 2019Principles of Regenerative Medicine, Third Edition, details the technologies and advances applied in recent years to strategies for healing and generating tissue. Contributions from a stellar cast of researchers cover the biological and molecular basis of regenerative medicine, highlighting stem cells, wound healing and cell and tissue development. Advances in cell and tissue therapy, including replacement of tissues and organs damaged by disease and previously untreatable conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, liver disease and renal failure are also incorporated to provide a view to the future and framework for additional studies.
Publication Date: 2018-10-31
Reconstructive Transplantation by Raffi Gurunian; Antonio Rampazzo; Frank Papay, 2024This book offers comprehensive coverage of reconstructive transplantation surgery. It represents the culmination of decades of practice and research surrounding reconstructive transplantation, including transplantation of upper and lower extremities, face, abdominal wall etc. from donor to recipient. Chapters are organized from in a formulaic manner covering anatomy, approach, considerations and preparations, case studies, and outcomes. Extensive details on the most challenging parts of transplantation including donor selection, vascular considerations, and the latest research on immunosuppressant drugs, makes this book a triumph of experience from the experts of the world renowned Cleveland Clinic. This book, as is the case with the clinic itself, brings together experts from teams across disciplines in a collaborative effort to illustrate decision-making for various large tissue transplants. Diverse perspectives from head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, craniofacial surgery, microvascular surgery, transplant surgery and even psychology contribute to the wealth of knowledge collected in this volume and broaden the readership. Reconstructive Transplantation is a must-have resource for surgeons, physicians, and residents in the fields of head and neck surgery, plastic surgery, craniofacial surgery, and trauma surgery.
ISBN: 9783031215209
Supportive Care Strategies: Optimizing Transplant Care by Laura Finn; Alva R. Roche Green, 2020This book provides up-to-date, clinically relevant information on a range of complex issues relating to supportive care strategies for the recipients of hematopoietic cell transplantation. The topics addressed include the prevention, recognition, and treatment of transplant-related side effects; management of pretransplant comorbidities; supportive care for specific age groups; quality of life issues in patients who experience graft-versus-host disease; mental and spiritual health care; caregiver and healthcare provider support strategies; and important issues related to end of life care. The aim is to supply hematologists, oncologists, transplant specialists, and palliative care physicians with practical knowledge that can be immediately applied in patient care to optimize transplant-related outcomes. The book's format, which offers concise, non-exhaustive coverage of these and other unique topics, is supplemented by a wealth of working tables, algorithms, and figures, ensuring that it will also serve hematology, oncology and transplant trainees as a reliable companion during their daily work. The authors are world-renowned experts in the field of hematopoietic transplantation and palliative care medicine, and present well-reasoned opinions based on their own experiences and draw attention to relevant results from potentially high-impact clinical trial
ISBN: 9783319590141
Textbook of Organ Transplantation by Allan D. Kirk; Stuart J. Knechtle; Christian P. Larsen, 2014Brought to you by the world's leading transplant clinicians, Textbook of Organ Transplantation provides a complete and comprehensive overview of modern transplantation in all its complexity, from basic science to gold-standard surgical techniques to post-operative care, and from likely outcomes to considerations for transplant program administration, bioethics and health policy. Beautifully produced in full color throughout, and with over 600 high-quality illustrations, it successfully: Provides a solid overview of what transplant clinicians/surgeons do, and with topics presented in an order that a clinician will encounter them. Presents a holistic look at transplantation, foregrounding the interrelationships between transplant team members and non-surgical clinicians in the subspecialties relevant to pre- and post-operative patient care, such as gastroenterology, nephrology, and cardiology. Offers a focused look at pediatric transplantation, and identifies the ways in which it significantly differs from transplantation in adults. Includes coverage of essential non-clinical topics such as transplant program management and administration; research design and data collection; transplant policy and bioethical issues. Textbook of Organ Transplantation is the market-leading and definitive transplantation reference work, and essential reading for all transplant surgeons, transplant clinicians, program administrators, basic and clinical investigators and any other members of the transplantation team responsible for the clinical management or scientific study of transplant patients.
ISBN: 9781118873434
Publication Date: 2014-07-28
Transplantation of the Liver, 3rd ed. by Ronald W. Busuttil; Goran B. Klintmalm, 2015Drs. Busuttil and Klintmalm present Transplantation of the Liver, 3rd Edition, which has been thoroughly revised to offer you the latest protocols, surgical approaches, and techniques used in this challenging procedure. Encompassing today's expert knowledge in the field, this medical reference book is an ideal single source for authoritative, up-to-date guidance on every imaginable aspect of liver transplantation. "They have, in fact, succeeded in raising the bar yet again and making their work product even better in the third edition of Transplantation of the Liver." Forewords by, Thomas E. Starzl, June 2015 Access valuable pearls, pitfalls, and insights from Dr. Ronald Busuttil and Dr. Goran Klintmalm, two of the world's preeminent experts in liver surgery. Understand today's full range of transplantation techniques with complete step-by-step descriptions of each, and access the background information and management options for each hepatic disease entity. Take advantage of detailed discussions of everything from pathophysiology and patient and donor selection, to transplantation anesthesia and operative procedures; immunosuppression; postoperative care; and ethical issues. Overcome your toughest challenges in liver transplantation. Many new and thoroughly revised chapters include: Deceased Organ Donation after Cardiac and Brain Death; Liver Transplantation for Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis; Extended Criteria Donors; Best Techniques for Biliary and Vascular Reconstruction in Living Donor Transplantation; Small for Size Syndrome; Dual Grafts for Transplantation; Arterial Reconstructions-Pitfalls; Transition of Pediatric Patients to Adulthood; Immunosuppressive Biologic Agents; Long Term Toxicity of Immunosuppressive Therapy; Stem Cell and Liver Regeneration; and Extracorporeal Perfusion for Resuscitation of Marginal Grafts. Stay current in your field and optimize patient outcomes with coverage of the most recent advances in living donor transplantation, pediatric transplantation, and gene and stem cell therapy. Access the latest information on anti-rejection/immunosuppressive drugs, as well as comprehensive discussions of each drug or combination of drugs used to suppress immune system. Effortlessly search the entire text online at Expert Consult.
Transplantation Surgery by Gabriel C. Oniscu; John L. R. Forsythe; Elizabeth A. Pomfret, 2019This atlas provides transplant professionals with a step-wise approach to organ transplantation, illustrating the technical steps and highlighting practice points for each procedure. All aspects of abdominal and thoracic transplantation are covered, including organ retrieval, bench preparation and implantation. Separate chapters address specific technical issues for heart and lung, liver, kidney, pancreas and intestinal transplantation, providing detailed approaches to difficult situations. Technical variations are clearly explained, and tips are provided on how to ensure safe and efficient surgery. Transplant surgeons, trainees, fellows and other professionals involved in transplantation will find this book to be an ideal reference point. It has been written by an experienced international team of authors who have pioneered many of the techniques described.
Publication Date: 2017-08-28
Transplantation Surgery, 2nd Edition by Gabrieel C. Oniscu; John L.R. Forsythe; Elizabeth A. Pomfret, 2020This updated volume gives a clear description of transplantation surgery and covers the recent developments and innovations that have occurred within the field. New chapters on the management of graft dysfunction, organ preservation, new immunosuppressive drugs, molecular medicine and transplantation, robotics in transplantation, and organ bio-engineering are included. The book aims to be an authoritative guide to transplantation surgery that will help improve the likeliness of procedures being successful. This book will be relevant to transplant surgeons, physicians, and nephrologists.
Patients' LibrariesThe Mayo Clinic Libraries offer Patients’ Library services at several locations. Visit these guides for details about the collections and services available at each location.
W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine LibraryThe W. Bruce Fye History of Medicine Library is a specialized library housing important collections in the history of medicine and allied sciences. Several thousand volumes of rare medical classics (from 1479) and early journal literature (from 1665) comprise the core collection of primary literature on all aspects of medicine and allied fields. More recently published histories, biographies, facsimiles, and other support materials comprise the remainder of the collection of some 23,000 total volumes. Special strengths include anesthesiology, cardiology, dermatology, immunology, ophthalmology and neurology. The library also has a large collection of Mayo physician bound reprints.
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