Systematic Reviews: Publishing your Systematic Review

This guide provides information and resources which may be helpful when undertaking a systematic review or other type of knowledge synthesis.

Considerations for Selecting a Quality Journal

Consult Cochrane Interactive Learning Module 8: Reporting the Review for further information.  *Please note you will need to register for a Cochrane account while initially on the Mayo network. You'll receive an email message containing a link to create a password and activate your account.*



  • Evaluate the aim and scope of the journal to understand the likely audience and appropriate fit with your topic.

  • Examine the author guidelines for accepted publication types and specific systematic review requirements. Assess several published examples of systematic reviews from past issues for editorial quality and scientific rigor.
  • Is a transparent and thorough description of the peer-review process provided (how reviewers are selected, how many reviewers are assigned to a manuscript, timelines, how revisions are handled, etc.)?

  • Does the journal require publication fees and, if so, is the fee schedule listed? Note: A fee should not be imposed for complying with public access mandates.

  • Does the journal provide copyright information for authors explaining the rights retained by the author and publisher?

  • Are mentors and colleagues familiar with the journal or its publisher as well as the editor-in-chief or members of the editorial board?


Tools to Find Relevant Journals

Avoiding Predatory Journals

Predatory journals and publishers are entities that prioritize self-interest at the expense of scholarship and are characterized by false or misleading information, deviation from best editorial and publication practices, a lack of transparency, and/or the use of aggressive and indiscriminate solicitation practices.”1

Why Does It Matter?

  • Content may be inaccurate and could adversely affect patient care decisions
  • Citing erodes the scientific body of literature
  • Your research is less likely to be cited and could vanish
  • Costly to withdraw and detracts from CV
  • There may be potential consequences for future grant funding

Checklist created by SIU Medical Library and adapted from Shamseer L., et al. "Potential predatory and legitimate biomedical journals: can you tell the difference? A cross-sectional comparison." BMC medicine 15.1 (2017): 1-14. ttps://

References & Recommended Reading

1.            Grudniewicz A, Moher D, Cobey KD, et al. Predatory journals: no definition, no defence. Nature. 2019;576(7786):210-212.