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W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine: Part 1: Rules and Policies Governing the Use of Mayo Historical Holdings

Part 1: Rules and Policies Governing the Use of Mayo Historical Holdings

Part 1:  Rules and Policies Governing the Use of Mayo Historical Holdings


Permission To Examine:


Permission to examine historical materials may be granted to qualified researchers upon completion of a written request submitted to Mayo Historical Subcommittee for access to non-confidential holdings in the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine.  Such permission is subject to any restrictions that may have been placed by donors or depositors.


All researchers/patrons must complete and sign the “Registration for Research” form which includes an Agreement to read, respect and abide by the “Rights, Rules, Policies and Conditions Relating to the Use of Historical Materials at the Mayo Clinic” before they will be allowed to use Center materials.


Research visits are by appointment only.  Due to staffing issues, and the fact that some collections are stored off-site and require extra time to retrieve, visitors should allow 72 hours advance notice to ensure that their requested materials will be available for use.


Researchers must sign the W. Bruce Fye Center For the History of Medicine Daily Registration each time they use Center materials.


Protection of Materials:


Researchers are responsible for the safeguarding of any materials made available to them.


Food and beverages are not allowed in research areas.


Pens may not be used in research areas as ink can damage materials.


Researchers may take only paper, pencils and laptop computers into research areas.


Coats, backpacks, briefcases, and any other kinds of cases or carriers are not allowed in research areas.


Researchers should not mark, trace over, write on, fold, or otherwise handle materials in any manner that might alter their appearance or cause damage.  The staff may require other special handling procedures, depending on materials used.


Researchers may not remove materials from research areas for any purpose, or rearrange the order in which they are delivered.


Only one box of materials or one volume may be used at a time and one folder of materials at a time.  After viewing materials in a folder, replace it in the box, preserving the existing folder order.


Please do not remove any materials from their folders.


Keep the order of the materials intact inside each folder.  Treat a folder like a book, turning one item over at a time, right to left.


Use the copy flags provided to designate items you wish to have copied.  please do not remove items for copying from their folders.  Copies of archival materials must be made by staff; the staff reserves the right to restrict some item(s) from copying based on size, condition or format of the item(s).


Cell phones, digital cameras, and scanners may not be used in research areas.


Christopher J. Boes, M.D.
Medical Director
Phone: 507-284-6112

Renee Ziemer
History and Heritage Program Manager
Phone: 507-284-2585

Emily Christopherson
Digital Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-0272

Karen Koka
Historical Archives Librarian IV
Phone: 507-284-4054

Gioia Spatafora
Archivist and Registrar/Librarian II
Phone: 507-293-3313

Alec Thicke
Anesthesiology Project Archivist/Librarian III
Phone: 507-284-3420