Pulmonary Pathology, 3d ed.
With more than 15 years since publication of the first edition of Pulmonary Pathology , we are thrilled to launch the third edition of this book. We appreciate the many kind words and helpful suggestions made by our readership and have endeavored to incorporate many of your ideas.
As expected, this edition includes a healthy (and much increased) representation of molecular and genetic pathology, much of which has moved from esoteric to mainstream. We expect that this trend will continue and that we will see expansion of the use of this knowledge to assist in diagnostic and prognostic assessment, therapeutic selection and monitoring, evaluation of disease susceptibility, and many other applications that will make themselves known.
That said, the original aim of this book remains the same—to provide students and practitioners of pulmonary pathology with the necessary tools to confidently interpret lung and pleural pathology. We continue to rely on morphology and immunohistochemistry as the basis for diagnosis, to be supplemented by molecular data as appropriate for differential diagnosis and postdiagnostic workup. As always, a truly integrated diagnosis also includes consideration of the clinical and radiologic findings, and we provide this information as well to enable diagnosis that makes sense from a multidisciplinary perspective.
As in the previous editions, clinicopathologic entities are presented in a richly illustrated, templated approach characteristic of the Foundations series. We are grateful to Dr. John Goldblum, our Editor-in-Chief, for his continued support of this volume in the Foundations series and to the editorial staff at Elsevier for making it happen. To the talented authors who have brought extraordinary expertise to each chapter: thank you for your time, for your friendship, and for all that you have taught us and the readers who will consult your works throughout the years. Finally, to our readers: it is a privilege to bring you this new edition, and we hope that it will play at least some small part in encouraging your interest and ongoing learning in pulmonary pathology.
ISBN: 9780323935487
Publication Date: Dani S. Zander; Carol F. Farver; John R.Goldblum, 2025