Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases: A Problem-Oriented Approach, 5th ed. by Randall G. Fisher; Thomas G. Boyce; Armando G. Correa, 2017
Staying true to the unique, problem-oriented approach of Dr. Hugh Moffet's previous editions, the fifth edition of Moffet's Pediatric Infectious Diseases walks the reader step by step through diagnosis and management using a signs and symptoms approach. This patient-oriented structure leads to a logical development of a differential diagnosis and evaluation and treatment plan, offering clear steps to confirm the diagnosis and provide appropriate therapy. Key Features: A patient-focused, problem-oriented approach helps you develop the thought process that leads to more accurate diagnoses and better patient care - no matter how complex the patient presentation. Greatly revised content throughout, including new medications, new names of known pathogens, new practice guidelines, and extensive revisions to chapters on urinary syndromes, hepatitis syndromes, and HIV infection and AIDS. Newly streamlined format features the most notable suggested readings, more boxes and tables, new clinical pearls, and new key points that summarize must-know information in each chapter. New two-color design and updated and expanded illustrations bring the text visually up to date and facilitate faster and easier mastery of the material. An experienced author team now includes Dr. Armando Correa, a pediatric infectious diseases physician who practices general pediatrics. Your book purchase includes a complimentary download of the enhanced eBook for iOS, Android, PC & Mac. Take advantage of these practical features that will improve your eBook experience: The ability to download the eBook on multiple devices at one time -- providing a seamless reading experience online or offline Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links allow you to search within this book, or across your entire library of VitalSource eBooks Multiple viewing options offer the ability to scale images and text to any size without losing page clarity as well as responsive design The ability to highlight text and add notes with one click
ISBN: 9781496305541
Publication Date: 2017-03-17