Consider these databases when you need to broaden the subject scope of your searches:
EBSCO MegaFILE contains over 3 million records with some full text articles covering academic, business and general interest subject areas. [Produced by EBSCO]
Scopus contains over 47 million citations, including conference papers, representing life sciences, health sciences (comprising all of Medline), physical sciences, social sciences and humanities from worldwide publishers. It also includes sophisticated tools to analyze research activity. [Produced by Elsevier]
Web of Science contains 32 million citations providing broad coverage of the basic sciences as well as the clinical sciences. It also has special tools to analyze research activity. [Produced by Thompson Reuters]
ProQuest provides full-text access to over 250 local, state, regional, national, and international newspapers. [Produced by Cambridge Information Group]
Google Scholar covers scholarly literature including articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites. It is also useful for obtaining citation data.
List of all library databases (alphabetically by title)