Refer to the guides below for commonly needed research tools:
Cited Reference Searching is a way to find articles that have cited a previously published work allowing for discovery of how a known idea has been further discussed in the research. Several sources are available for locating cited references.
-Cited Reference Searching guide
Eigenfactor Score and Article Influence are ratings of the total importance of a scientific journal or article.
Eigenfactor Score and Article Influence guide
h Index is based on a scholar's most cited works and the number of times these have been referenced in the literature
Journal Impact Factor provides the rate an “average article” in a journal has been cited in a particular year. It serves as a means to compare different journals in a field of study. [Exclusive to Thompson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports]
Mayo Authors has a statistical feature to review the number of articles, abstracts, books, book chapters, patents and other publications individual authors have authored. [Produced by Mayo Clinic Library staff]
SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) is a tool used for measuring the value of citations based on journal esteem and influence. [Generated by Elsevier’s Scopus Database]
-SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) guide
Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) is a measure that allows for comparison of journal citation performance across disciplines. [Generated by Elsevier’s Scopus Database]
-Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) guide
CiteScore provides a comprehensive assessment of the average citations per document that a journal title receives over a 3-year window of time professing to be more transparent and less biased than the Impact Factor. The CiteScore Tracker also shows current monthly data. [Generated by Elsevier’s Scopus Database]