Mayo Authors Database Statistics
Users can find the number of publication types by user or by department by using the "Statistics" matrix that is built in as a function with in Mayo Authors Database. The display can provide one year or a range of years based on the length time in the query. Publication types are: article, chapter, abstract, book, patents, technical reports, comments, editorial, letter, thesis, review, tribute. This statistical report can be copied into Excel for future use or incorporated into a report.
Mayo Authors database is an inclusive repository of Mayo publications from 1871 to the present. It is produced internally and serves as an archival record of significant publication activity of the Mayo Clinic.
- Publication types include: articles, books, chapters, meeting abstracts, comments, editorials, substantive letters, reviews, technical reports, tributes, theses, computer software, patents, digital publications
- Statistical parameters are available over a number of years (number of articles, book chapters, abstracts)
- Unique way of browsing/searching for authors
- Greater specifity in author searching
- Publication activity covers 1871 - Current
- Selected scanned reprints available starting from 1871
- Does not include "forthcoming" or "in press" records, newsletters, unpublished oral presentations, or abstracts for article citations
- Internal communications unavailable outside Mayo are excluded
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Text-based Informatoin:
Guide on Mayo Authors