Hosted by Ovid, MEDLINE Is the premier biomedical database from the National Library of Medicine. Covers all biomedical subjects including medicine, biological & physical sciences, nursing, healthcare management, & information science as it relates to healthcare.
- Automatically maps your search terms to preferred medical subject headings (MeSH)
- Offers proximity searching. For example, lung adj5 transplant allows you to search for a string of terms within 5 words of lung and transplant such as lung and antibiotics therapy in transplant
- Includes citations back to 1946. Search MEDLINE In-Process to find the most recently published articles. Search Old MEDLINE for articles dating from 1946.
- Includes references to the evidence-based Cochrane Systematic Reviews
- Structured approach to searching for complex topics
- Search different Ovid databases at one time, e.g., you can search MEDLINE & EMBASE simultaneously (however, the "Map Term to Subject Heading" feature, which automatically utilizes a database controlled vocabulary, such as MeSH or EMTREE, is disengaged).
- When performing a subject search, you must select the Explode option to expand search results
- Conference abstracts are not indexed
- Unlike PubMed, there is not a direct link to consumer health information from MedlinePlus